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做好佛教教育工作 促进和谐社会发展



做好佛教教育工作 促进和谐社会发展

道  坚


关键词:佛教教育  和谐社会  佛教人才

Improving Buddhist Education and Advancing a Harmonious Society

Ven. Daojian

A harmonious society is the most fundamental expectation of the people all over the world, and is also what the Communist Party of China and the Chinese government have been advocating. The survival of human beings presupposes a harmonious society as well as the stable development of all the countries. Not only the governments but also all the human beings are obligated to the construction of a harmonious society. Specifically to the Buddhists, a contribution to a harmonious society means a part of its great cause, a representation of patriotism  Edification is significant to the establishment of a harmonious society. If only people are peaceful in their minds, a harmonious society will come true. Buddhist education just means the work on human minds, and thus has a vast perspective, but the task is tough anyhow.
The times call for Buddhist education on the one hand, and offer a valuable opportunity to Buddhism. Therefore Buddhist education is always an important work emphasized in the Buddhist circle. If we do this work successfully and train enough talents, a harmonious society will come finally.Entering the 21st century, Buddhism has gained many achievements in many aspects, and is now exerting more influences on the society. Everyone is obliged to contribute to a harmonious society, and Buddhist education should be given a full play in the edifying movement.



释迦牟尼佛创教之后,首先重视的就是佛教教育,他在鹿野苑初转法轮,向弟子说法,就开始了佛教教育的活动。佛陀强调教育的重要性,认为佛教的教育是教人“示教利喜”,通过佛教的教育活动,让众生有一个欢喜心,听法的也会有一个“见教利喜”的感觉,使人心情愉悦,达到解脱境界。佛教将自己的学说称为“内学”。“外学” 就是佛教以外的学说。佛陀生前还主张要因人施教,同意用各种俗语来进行宣教,而且可以“开外学”。佛陀圆寂以后,佛教教育已经成为佛教的重要内容,僧人们“午时食罢,齐暮讲经,斯则处中者所务”。 当时寺院里办有书院,而且摆放了不少世俗的书籍,如印度笆髟爸校苡辛脑海ㄡ榇笙铩D嫌卸海性罕庇辛骸F渲械谌褪且跹羰樵骸 (发布者: 欢迎投稿,网站:无量光佛教网讨论请进入:佛教论坛)
