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中国人民大学 陈冠桥


关键词:平等  慈悲  和谐  发展

On the Practical Value of Buddhist Concepts of Equality and Mercy

Chen Guanqiao

    Buddhism, as the ultimate path to the cessation of suffering of mankind, is a huge, sophisticated belief system, a philosophy system, and a value system. As a religious belief gradually accepted by billions of people, it has continued over 2500 years, and even particularly in China, it has gone through a history over 2000 years. That has demonstrated its consistent vitality and permanent value. However, we must be aware that the reestablishment and role of Buddhism in a future society are not only a huge difficult theoretical issue, but also a serious pressing one concerning practices.
    The fate of Buddhism relies on her positive concern about the society, and its value consists in her impact on the human society in the 21st century. Since its departure from the stone ages, the human society has made some unprecedented progresses. But we have noticed that the human beings have been provided the ability to destroy the earth and the nature at the same time. On the one hand, the social progresses are attributed to the mankind themselves. On the other hand, the mankind themselves have been a threat to the human society's survival and development.     Meanwhile, as we see, modernization involves a wide range of changes such as materialistic life, social system and mental conception. In the effort of modernization, the current society has been suffering from various negative effects such as the crisis of beliefs, the degradation of morality, and the lack of conscience. The severe deprivation of humanity has become a major barrier to human progresses and one of the sources of many social problems. That is an unprecedented superior historic opportunity for Buddhism, which regards the universe as a harmoniously functional unity and pursues the transcendence of life, to shape people's souls, and then regulate the relationships between human beings and those between human beings and the nature.
    “Equality and mercy"is a fundamental concept of Buddhism about the relationships between human beings and those between human beings and the nature, the fundamental ethics of Buddhist doctrines, whose roles in the modern society have more and more recognized and enhanced. Equality addresses the respect to other people and other beings without discrimination. And mercy means unconditional concerns about other people and living beings. Equality is the theoretical basis of mercy, and mercy is a moral representation of equality. This paper considers the Buddhist “equality and mercy" as a key to solve social conflicts. Applying them to alleviate the social conflicts will definitely help improve the spiritual quality of mankind, satisfy their new demands, and then advance the society's peace and development.

引     言




(一) 平等观平等与差别相对举,是无差别的意思。远在早期印度佛教时期,出身于刹帝利的释迦牟尼就反对婆罗门坚持的四种姓制度,主张婆罗门、刹帝利、吠舍和首陀罗“四姓平等",宣扬种姓平等观。后来佛教经论还宣扬佛、法、僧三宝,以及心、佛、众生三法平等的思想,认为三宝和三法各自在本质上是无差别的、一致的。佛教还强调众生一律平等,所谓众生平等,是指众生都具有佛性;众生无高低之别,不论亲怨,一视同仁;众生值得怜悯,对众生要有普遍的无差别的爱心。佛教典籍还宣扬“平等大悲"的思想,主张以普遍、平等无差别的悲心怜悯一切众生,不舍一切众生。

中国佛教也极力推崇佛教的平等思想,宋代僧人清远说:“若论平等,无过佛法。唯佛法最平等。” 佛教的平等观体现了生命观、自然观与理想价值观的统一。佛教强调宇宙间一切生命的平等,关爱生命,珍惜生命,尊重生命;又主张无情有性说,敬畏自然,珍爱自然,摄护自然;还宣扬众生与万物以解脱为终极目标,以进入清净、美妙、庄严的佛国净土为最高理想。这都表现了佛教平等意义的广泛性、普遍性和神圣性。 (发布者: 欢迎投稿,网站:无量光佛教网讨论请进入:佛教论坛)
