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◎摘录自宣化上人讲述《道德救国》 智慧之源 第166期 92年2月10日出版 ◎宣化上人开示于一九九二年八月十六日╱洛杉矶金轮圣寺 ※ ※ ※ ※ 来生愿作连体婴 —— 摘录自《宣化上人开示录》 我刚才发表的意见,绝不

  ◎摘录自宣化上人讲述《道德救国》 智慧之源 第166期 92年2月10日出版 
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  —— 摘录自《宣化上人开示录》 
  是故,诸位若未学佛,在外边不守规矩,肆无忌惮,犹不足为怪。可是,若学佛了,则必须深明因果道理,丝毫不犯—— 小心!小心!
  Next Life,I Want to Be a Siamese Twin
  from Venerable Master Hsuan Hua's talk given in 1994:
  Chapter 6。 - Next Life,I Want to Be a Siamese Twin
  The opinion I just expressed is not at all over-stated,and I am certainly not scolding people。 Such depraved behavior actually does go on in Buddhism,and that is why Buddhism cannot prosper。
  Although I could have avoided mentioning that matter,there is another,more serious issue concerning all mankind,which I must bring up。 That is,homosexuals nowadays are getting more rampant all the time。 In New York and San Francisco,for instance,there are several hundred thousand homosexuals。 These days,even government officials openly admit to being homosexual,support homosexuality,and proclaim that the society should support homosexual marriages。 You should know that homosexuality is an evil practice which goes against the principles of Heaven and Earth and contradicts human obligations。 Behind it are demons,ghosts,and goblins egging people on,fanning the flames,telling people to head straight for the gates of the hells。
  Earlier I mentioned the stupid love between a man and a woman,and their oath,"In the heavens,we vow to be birds who share a wing。 On the earth,we vow to be trees whose branches intertwine。" The marriage of a man and a woman is the accepted custom everywhere。 As it is said,"The matter between a man and a woman is the great obligation of mankind。" If you're following the road of birth and death,then getting married and having children does not go against the way of Heaven。 On the other hand,homosexuality is a perverted behavior which contradicts natural law,human ethics,and biological structure。 Its retribution is to be born as a Siamese twin in the next life。 In the world now,we have heard about the birth of Siamese twins for some time。 In the near future,many Siamese animal twins will appear。 Since these people have committed perverse acts of evil and engaged in the most vulgar and depraved sort of conduct,they will inevitably undergo rebirth in the lower path of animals。
  - Ven。 Master Hsuan Hua
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  我把她们称作女尼甲和女尼乙吧。起初是两个人谁也离不开谁,睡觉俩人要挨著(通铺),站队要站在一起,进殿早晚课也要一前一后,禅堂打坐、斋堂用斋都要坐在一起,这么说吧,就是去洗手间,俩人都不分离,起初大家谁也不注意,时间久了,大众中便开始议论和注意上了。因为,就是住持派其中一个去办事,另一个也一定跟著,不让去就闹情绪,这一发现问题不要紧,却影响到道场内所有尼众的清净。虽然大众嘴里不说,可心里随时都在注意著她俩,倒也没有发现她俩真的有不轨行为。在住持找她俩多次谈话、甚至批评后,女尼乙开始疏远女尼甲了。谁知这一下倒坏了,女尼甲不能忍受乙的疏远,俩人之间出了争执,虽然不敢大声吵架,可俩人常常急得面红耳赤。吵归吵,甲仍然不许乙离开半步,就好像母亲呵护刚会走路的孩子一样。据她俩说,她们的这种情感从中学刚认识时就开始了,可以说是‘一见钟情’。说来也怪,从认识就再也没有分开过。到了大学开始住校,俩人是上下铺,可常常是俩人睡在一个铺上。女尼甲对住持说:‘她只要不在我的视线之内,我心里就忐忑不安,我也觉得这不正常,可是无法控制自己的心。’  住持希望妙法老和尚能帮助解决这个难题。老和尚沉默一刻后说:‘她们俩前三生是母子,母慈子孝,恩爱至深。再一生成为夫妻,关系更加亲密,如漆似胶,厮守一生。因为淫心重,来生堕为一对燕子,朝夕不离。这对燕子把窝建在了一个寺院内的大树上,所以天天都能听经闻法,今生才能同转为女身,聪明强记,又一同出家修道来了。好好修行,今生就可以了生脱死。如果多生以来溺于情爱的心还不能放下,来生会堕地狱,再想接触佛法就难了。 (发布者: 欢迎投稿,网站:无量光佛教网讨论请进入:佛教论坛)