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佛教在线海外讯 据《vovnews》报道,2009年9月6日,环游欧洲四国的越南佛教僧伽会代表团及其信众到达德国柏林,并在那里举行了隆重的盂兰盆法会,庆祝盂兰盆节。

在法会中,Thich Thanh Phong 法师强调了佛教在越南国家建设和发展的进程中所起到的重要作用。他也号召越南海外的僧侣和信众为庆祝升龙-河内建都1000周年纪念日作出贡献。

越南驻德国大使馆外交官Do Hoa Binh参加法会并致辞表示希望越南佛教僧伽会可以继续关注海内外佛教徒和信众,定期看望海外佛教徒,帮助他们学习佛教以便他们能够更好的为祖国做贡献。(编译:子规)

Vietnam Buddhist Sangha marks Vu Lan festival in Berlin

A delegation from the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha (VBS) and followers arrived in Berlin on September 6 to organise a grand ceremony to mark the Vu Lan religious festival during their tour of four European countries.

At the ceremony, Most venerable Thich Thanh Phong emphasised the role Buddhism has played in the process of national construction and development. He also called on monks and followers abroad to make a greater effort to celebrate the 1000th anniversary of Thang Long-Hanoi.

Addressing the ceremony, Vietnamese ambassador to Germany Do Hoa Binh expressed his hope that the VBS will continue to pay special attention to monks and followers overseas, pay regular visits abroad and help Vietnamese Buddhists abroad learn more about Buddhism in order to make a greater contribution to their homeland.



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