反过来说,人类发展到此刻,已经没有几人能认识其纯净无染的本源,不要说科学家,就连人文学者都离开了古雅高标的理想世界。就像浪漫派诗人荷尔德林,在长诗《帕特莫斯》中所唱诵的,既然时间之峰厌倦了相隔天涯的山峦,让我们满怀赤诚衷情,返回故里。还乡的道路,需要体悟隐秘的知识;这种体验,常常为现代学者所缺乏。学问与圣爱之间的畏途,是远离喧嚣的隐秘之路,很多学人终其一生,也未将其发现。即便他们有所悟,却发现原来它的险阻超越了想象。这种“前往伊斯特兰的旅程”,可以用伊斯兰苏菲派诗人巴诃的一首小诗来表达,它的意境适用于世间的各种灵魂之路: Having learned wisdom from a thousand books, they became great scholars. They cannot learn one letter of love - the wretches wander in ignorance. If a lover glances just once, he can swim a hundred million rivers. If the scholar looks a hundred million times, he cannot reach the other bank. Between learning and love is an arduous journey, with many miles of distance. Whoever does not gain love, Bahu, |