第四十三节:‘这位希伯来先知耶稣是新升起的智慧之星!他带来了给我们许多上帝的奥秘,全世界将来都会听聆他的开示,都会荣耀他:’ 44 You priests of temple Kapavistu, stay! be still and listen when he speaks; he is the Living Oracle of God. 第四十四节:‘你们全寺的高僧啊 !应该人人静听他的讲话。他真是上帝的活见证圣人啊 !’ 45 And all the priests gave thanks, and praised the Buddha of enlightenment. 第四十五节:于是,所有的高僧都称感谢,合掌齐安念佛,赞美启悟的佛陀!
第八部:‘禅修’(讲耶稣在XZang学禅) (注一) CHAPTER 36 第三十六章
IN Lassa of Tibet there was a master's temple, rich in manuscripts of ancient lore. 第一节:XZang拉萨有一座雄伟的佛宫,藏有丰富的古代佛经及原稿。 2 The Indian sage had read these manuscripts, and he revealed to Jesus many of the secret lessons they contained; but Jesus wished to read them for himself. 第二节:印度圣憎韦狄雅柏迪曾经去读过这些古代佛经宝藏,他对耶稣提及这些古代佛典,耶稣就想自己去一读这些古经。 3 Now, Meng-ste, greatest sage of all the farther East, was in this temple of Tibet. 第三节:那时候,极东(指中国)的最伟大的大喇嘛高僧圣者孟斯德住在XZang。 4 The path across Emodus heights was difficult; but Jesus started on his way, and Vidyapati sent with him a trusted guide. 第四节:越过喜马拉雅山脉的伊莫特斯山峰(Emodus)是很艰难的旅程,但是,耶稣并不畏难,启程前往,圣僧韦狄雅柏斯派有一个可靠的向导。 5 And Vidyapati sent a message to Meng-ste, in which he told about the Hebrew sage, and spoke for him a welcome by the temple priests. 第五节:同时,韦狄雅柏斯写信给大喇嘛孟斯德向之介绍这位希伯来圣者耶稣,请其盛大欢迎。 6 Now, after many days, and perils great, the guide and Jesus reached the Lassa temple in Tibet. 第六节:经过多日的惊险长途跋涉,耶稣在向导领路之下,来到XZang拉萨佛宫。 7 And Meng-ste opened wide the temple doors, and all the priests and masters gave a welcome to the Hebrew sage. 第七节:圣僧大喇嘛孟斯德率领全寺僧人,大开宫门迎接耶稣。 8 And Jesus had access to all the sacred manuscripts, and, with the help of Meng- ste, read them all. 第八节:于是耶稣住在拉萨佛宫,获得机会接近那些古代的神圣佛经原稿,在圣僧孟斯德的协助之下,耶稣得以能够研读这些佛经。 9 And Meng-ste often talked with Jesus of the coming age, and of the sacred service best adapted to the people of the age. 第九节:大喇嘛圣僧孟斯德时常为耶稣讲解。 10 In Lassa Jesus did not teach. When he finished all his studies in the temple schools he journeyed toward the West. In many villages he tarried for a time and taught. (发布者: 欢迎投稿,网站:无量光佛教网,讨论请进入:佛教论坛) |