Where there is Dharma,there is compassion. Where there is Dharma,there is prajna. Where there is Dharma,there is faith. Where there is Dharma,there is the way. 欲望是第一海 愚痴是第一闇 瞋忌是第一怨 疑妒是第一障 The deepest desire is the hardest to quench. Ignorance brings the deepest darkness. Hatred causes the worst resentment. Jealousy causes the greatest hindrance. 有过必有罚 有功必有赏 有种必有收 有业必有报 Where there is error,there is punishment. Where there is achievement,there is award. Where there is palnting,there is harvest. Where there is karmic action,there is karmic retribution. 平安就是福报 功德就是寿命 知足就是富贵 适情就是自在 Whoever has health has good fortune. Whoever has merit has life. Whoever is content has wealth and hobility. Whoever is at ease is carefree. 聪明者不迷 正见者不邪 有容者不妒 心静者不烦 Wise people are not deluded. Those who know Buddhism are not corrupted. Magnanimous people are not jealous. Serene people are not bothered by adversity. 涉世不难于变化,难于慎重 做事不难于敏达,难于深忍 发心不难于勇锐,难于持久 学道不难于慧解,难于证悟 In society,confronting challenges is easier than shrinking them. In business,intelligence is easier than tolerance. In practice,diligence at the beginning is easier than persistence to the end. In Buddhism,understanding the teachings is easier than becoming enlightened. 道不学不明本源 戒不守不知过错 禅不参不识自性 迷不悟不能解脱 If you do not walk the path,you cannot realize your Buddha nature. If you do not observe the precepts,you will not know your transgressions. If you do not practice meditation,you cannot realize your true nature. If you are not enlightened,you cannot liberate yourself from suffering. 忠信可以进德 庄敬可以避祸 宽恕可以延寿 信仰可以悟道 Loyalty and reliability enhance virtue. Self-respect and self-reliance stave off misfortune. Magnanimity prolongs life. Faith leads to enlightenment. 贫病之时知朋友 患难之时识真情 进退之时懂分雨 得失之时通因果 Real friends help when you are poor or sick. True friends stay with you in adversity. Whether you advance or retreat,do it the right way. Gain and loss follow the law of causality. 亲近良师闻法乐 闻法奉行安稳乐 安稳和合寂灭乐 寂灭离苦解脱乐 When you learn from good teachers,you can possess the Dharma joy. When you practice the teaching,you can be peaceful and harmonious. Peace and harmony lead to nirvana. Nirvana brings the joy of liberation. 善恶报应是显露的法律 本心是非是内在的法律 世事伦常是共遵的法律 天理因果是最高的法律 Karmic retribution is the visible law. Conscience is the inner law. Custom is the common law. Causality is the ultimate law. 心安茅屋稳 性定菜根香 世事静方见 人情淡始长 A peaceful mind abides joyfully in a hut. An equable mind savors the simplest fare. A tranquil mind comprehends the world. A tolerant mind makes lifelong friendships. 化愚就是智 去迷就是悟 除恶就是善 离妄就是真 Transform stupidity to wisdom. Banish ignorance to gain enlightenment. Avoid evil to be good. Abandon delusion to seek the truth. 水的仁慈能沐浴众生,可以泽及万物 水的义气能扬清激浊,可以荡涤污垢 水的勇猛能柔而坚强,可以弱而克刚 水的智慧能疏通江河,可以自成盈满 The compassion of water bathes and nurtures all sentient beings. The justice of water purges defilement. The courage of water tenderly subdues the stubborn. The wisdom of water makes rivers flow. 父母田中种植孝养 师长田中种植恭敬 病患田中种植救护 三宝田中种植供养 Cultivate the merits of filial piety for your parents. Cultivate the merits of respect for your teachers. Cultivate the merits of caring for patients. Cultivate the merits of offering to the Triple Gem. 想要得福先惜福 想要惜福先知福 想要知福先行福 想要行福先有福 To gain merit,cherish merit first. To cherish merit,know merit first. To know merit,practice merit first. To practice merit,have merit first. 守持戒法如璎珞,可以庄严身心 守持戒法如明灯,可以照破痴暗 |