一句良言,能为失望的人带来重生的希望 一丝灯光,能为夜行的人带来行路的安全 一口饘粥,能为饥饿的人带来生存的力量 一把雨伞,能为风雨归人带来干爽的喜悦 A kind word brings hope to the disadvantaged. A little light brings safety to night travelers. A little porridge brings strength to the hungry. An umbrella brings joy to those in the rain. 一个良将,残兵败卒也能训练成勇士 一个明医,枯木朽石也能炮制成仙丹 一个名匠,破铜烂铁也能锻炼成精钢 一个巧妇,剩菜残羹也能烹煮成佳肴 A skillful sergeant makes tigers of cowards. A skillful physician cures with weeds. A skillful worker makes steel from old pots. A skillful cook delights with scraps. 生命尊严不在于它的绚丽,而在于它为后人所带来的怀念 生命的意义不在于它的长久,而在于它为后人所带来的典范 Life's dignity lies in creating an everlasting memory,not in a brief moment of glory. Life's meaning lies in one's service as a model for the generations, not in the number of one's years. 见人善行要多方赞美 见人迷惑要多方提醒 见人推崇要多方奋勉 见人毁谤要多方警惕 Commend others when they do good. Remind others when they are deluded. Word harder when others are promoted. Be alert when others are slandered. 我们要学习说爱语、做善事、存好心,散播「三好」的种子 我们要学习讲仁义、讲道义、讲恩义,发扬「三义」的气节 Learn to speak loving words,perform good deeds,and embrace good hearts.This is the way to spread good seeds. Learn to be benevolent,moral,and grateful.This is the way to spread the spirit of righteousness. 修桥铺路,是给予大众的方便 说法度众,是给予他人的成长 不生恶念,是给予自己的净化 常行善事,是给予社会的美化 Build bridges and roads to serve commerce. Theach sentient beings to help them grow. Purify yourself to transform evil thinking. Do good to perfect your life. 人人做警察,伸张公理,提倡正义 人人做义工,守望相助,相互扶持 人人做善人,服务奉献,劝人为善 人人做良民,奉公守法,尽忠职守 Be a policeman:promote right-eousness and justice. Be a volunteer:watch and help each other. Be a good person:serve others and persuade them to do good. Be a good citizen:respect the law and be loyal. 从工作中学习做人的道理,工作就是学校 从职业中揣摩生命的意义,职业就是道场 When you learn about life from your work,your job is like a school. Wnen you learn abuot life from your job,your workplace is like a monastery. 贤明的父母,不会嫌弃笨拙的儿女 道尊的师长,不会舍弃难教的子弟 量大的主管,不会气恼愚昧的属下 有德的官员,不会讨厌顽强的民众 Wise parents do not cease caring for backward children. Competent teachers do not give up on stubborn students. Generous managers are not put off by dull subordinates. Honest officials are not fearful of assertive citizens. 现代资讯,要能具备教育的功能 现代资讯,要能富含文化的价值 现代资讯,要能表达事实的真象 现代资讯,要能促进人类的交流 Modern information should be instructive. Modern information should have cultural value. Modern information should be truthful. Modern information should communicate. 传播业者,要能具有职业的道德 传播业者,要能尊重别人的隐私 传播业者,要能努力地摄取新知 传播业者,要能不断地改革创新 Journalists shoudld be creative. Journalists should be ethical. Journalists should be curious. Journalists should be discreet. 记者,要多报导世间的温馨面 记者,要多报导社会的善美面 记者,要多报导思想的光明面 记者,要多报导人生的道德面 Journalists,report the grandeur of society. Journalists,report the brilliance of our thinkers. Journalists,report the moral side of life. Journalists,report the world's good deeds. 驾驶,要有安全第一的理念 驾驶,要有服务至上的精神 驾驶,要有忍耐柔和的雅量 驾驶,要有亲切和蔼的态度 Drivers,be patient. Drivers,be amiable. Drivers,think of safety first. Drivers,yield the road to others. 老师,要有观极逗教的智慧 老师,要有行解并重的理念 老师,要有不舍一人的慈悲 老师,要有师徒同尊的胸襟 Teachers,know your students' talents. Teachers,emphasize understanding and practice. Teachers,do not overlook any student. Teachers,respect all your students. 教育,不是知识的瓦砾,而是学问的保垒 教育,不是教条的枯藤,而是生命的花园 教育,不是装饰的花蔓,而是深邃的内涵 教育,不是溺爱的礼物,而是佛心的泉源 Education is not a wilerness of facts but the palace of learning. (发布者: 欢迎投稿,网站:无量光佛教网,讨论请进入:佛教论坛) |