军营是孕育英雄的摇篮 学校是陶冶青年的洪炉 僧团是培养圣贤的净土 内心是造就自己的道场 Military camp is the cradle of heroes. School is the melting pot of youth. Sangha is a pureland to cultivate sages. Mind is a temple to cultivate oneself. 自我改革,要有作有为,不能空谈 关怀别人,要有声有色,及时表达 Reform yourself;don't just talk about doing it. Without hesitation,act for others. 自己做不到的事,不可强求于人 别人做不到的事,不可强求于人 Don't ask others to do what you cannot do. Don't ask others to do what they cannot do. 以慈眼、慧眼、法眼、佛眼洞察世间实相 用善听、谛听、兼听、全听关怀人间疾苦 Realize the truth with compassionate eyes,wisdom eyes,Dharma eyes,and Buddha eyes. Care about the world's suffering with good listening,careful listening,inclusive listening,and complete listening. 极乐世界宝树罗列,水鸟说法这是现代环保生态的先驱 极乐世界楼阁严丽,阶道井然这是现代都市计划的榜样 In the pureland of ultimate bliss are watered orchards of precious trees,and the birds are teaching.They are the pioneers of modern ecology. In the pureland of ultimate bliss the houses are beautiful,the roads and stairs are tidy.This is the model of modern urban planning. 极乐世界盛众妙华,供养他国,这是现代国际往来的型态 极乐世界诸上善人,聚会一处,这是现代领袖治国的方向 In the pureland of ultimate bliss,many offer flowers to the Buddhas of other worlds.This is the model of international communication. In the pureland of ultimate bliss,all good people gather together.This is the direction for modern leaders. 晦暗的世界,唯有佛日慈悲才能增辉 矇眬的人心,唯有法灯智慧才能照亮 Only compassion can bring light to the dark world. Only the Dharma light and wisdom can illuminate dark minds. 做人要知感恩,感恩的人表示做人的资本雄厚 做事要知情理,明理的人表示做事的方法融通 Showing that you are grateful wins new friends and keeps old ones. In business,gain friends through correct practice. 责备的话中要带有抚慰 批评的话中要带有赞扬 训诫的话中要带有推崇 命令的话中要带有尊重 Before you blame,comfort. Before you criticize,praise. Before you admonish,commend. Before you command,respect. 忘恩负义者,应以慈悲及感恩治之 瞋恚嫉妒者,应以宽厚及包容治之 诽谤贤明者,应以赞叹及歌颂治之 自赞毁他者,应以惭愧及自责治之 Treat ingratitude with compassion and gratitude. Treat hatred and jealousy with magnanimity and tolerance. Treat slander with praise. Treat those who praise themselves while slandering others with con-science. 圣贤,耳里听到的,都是众生求救的声音 圣贤,手里做着的,都是福利社会的事业 圣贤,眼中看到的,都是净土美好的风光 圣贤,口里说出的,都是亲切柔和的爱语 Sages hear calls for help from all beings. Sages speak kind and tender words. Sages undertake to benefit society. Sages see the wonderful pureland. 当年轻力强时,应以体力报答人间 当脑力尚佳时,应以智慧贡献人类 When you are young,repay the world with your strength. When you are old,repay the world with your wisdom. 应以道理说服他人 应以宁静克制妄动 应以诚恳感化世间 应以慈悲折报敌对 Persuade with reason. Bridle recklessness through tranquility. Reform the world with sincerity. Subdue your enemy with compassion. 一颗钻石,胜过百粒珍珠 一事立功,胜过千人推举 一步谨慎,胜过万般防备 一念慈悲,胜过亿兆修为 Better a smile than ages of selfishness. Better the deed than the praiof the crowd. Better a diamond than barrels of shining pearls. Better discretion than bitter regret. 智者以知,了解一切 仁者以爱,包容一切 勇者以义,牺牲一切 忠者以诚,奉献一切 Wise poole understand by their wisdom. Good people tolerate out of love. Brave people sacrifice out of courage. Loyal people are faithful out of devotion. 为真理服务最有价值 为众生服务最为光荣 Above all,serve the truth. Above all,serve every being. 以智慧净水,洗清妄想分别 以般若火炬,照亮内心世界 The water of wisdom cleanses us of delusion and discrimination. The lamp of prajna lights our inner world. 关闭六根之贼,禁足妄想之心 正观三毒魔军,清净身口意业 了悟五蕴非有,不受烦恼缠缚 如是实践之人,方为有道圣者 Imprison the six thieves,the senses:don't let them delude you. Shun the three poisons:greed,hatred,and ignorance. (发布者: 欢迎投稿,网站:无量光佛教网,讨论请进入:佛教论坛) |