The key to harmony is mutual respect. 看地理不如看心理 看地理不如重伦理 看地理不如讲道理 盾地理不如信真理 It is better to cultivate the mind,empha-size moral principles,be rational,and believe in the truth than to seek advice from a fortune-teller. 平心静气,心情自然好 虚心谦下,人缘自然好 Patience and tranquility bring good feelings. Modesty brings good affinity. 得理而能饶人,是谓厚道,厚道则路宽 无理而又损人,是谓霸道,霸道则路窄 If you are right and forgiving,you are virtuous;virtue broadens your scope. If you are wrong and quarrelsome,you are bullying;bullying narrows your scope. 「讲清楚,说明白」,是人际相处的妙方 「改心性,革陋习」,是自我进步的动力 Making everything clear is magic way to get along with people. Transforming your bad habits and thoughts accelerates your progress. 如得人意,却不得我意 如得我意,却不得人意 要得人如我意,除非我如人意 人人所得如意,大家万事如意 To make others happy,we may have to suffer. To make us happy,others may have to suffer. Make others happy before we make ourselves happy. If everybody is happy,all will be well. 毋争利而伤兄弟手足之天伦 毋自私而断亲朋挚友之情谊 毋贪吝而弃天道圣贤之仁慈 毋暴戾而坏国家社会之祥和 Don't fight your brothers and sisters for advantage. Don't hurt friends and family from selfishness. Don't deny others the compassion of the sages out of your greed and stinginess. Don't damage the harmony of society and country by violent acts. 做事要有计划 用钱要有预算 修学要有目标 未来要有希望 Make a plan before you act. Make a budget before you use the money. Set a goal before you practice. Have a hope for the future. 就事论事,这是用人的原则 通情达理,这是处世的准则 荣辱与共,这是交友的法则 生死无惧,这是生活的理则 The way to treat people is to be fair. The way to live is to be intelligent and rational. The way to make friends is to share their honor and humiliation. The way to carry on is not to fear life or death. 在物质上能淡泊,则不为形役 在心性上能淡泊,则不为情困 在名利上能淡泊,则不为世迁 在情感上能淡泊,则不为境转 When you are detached from possessions,from name and gain,from passions and troubled thoughts,you won't be discouraged by what may come. 宽可以容人 厚可以载物 勤可以补拙 俭可以却贫 Magnanimity leads to tolerance. Tolerance leads to responsible actions. Diligence lets you reach your goal. Frugality will make you rich. 有德,人必尊之 有功,人必崇之 有容,人必附之 有量,人必从之 With virtue,you will be respected. With achievements,you will be adored. With magnanimity,you will be acclaimed. With tolerance,you will be followed. 遇事忍为妙,忍能解灾厄 处世善为宝,善能增福报 Patience is a magic way to banish disaster. Kindness is a magic way to increase your merits. 懂得做事的人,要做「本份事」 懂得做人的人,要做「本份人」 Those who understand business perform well. Those who understand how to get along behave well. 勤奋不故意拖延 忍耐不顾忌怯弱 勇敢不过度自责 放下不计较得失 Work diligently and don't procrastinate. Be patient though you may be thought cowardly. Be brave and don't blame yourself too much. Be detached and surredner gain and loss. 居家要选好邻 旅行要选好伴 求知要选善书 励行要选益友 Choose good neightbors for living. Choose good companions for travel. Choose good books for knowledge. Choose good friends for practice. 世道坎坷,靠一「耐」字能通行 人心难测,靠一「诚」字能知交 When life is hard,patience helps. When people are hard to figure out,honesty helps win intimate friends. 饮食八分饱,精神才会好 讲话留三分,日后好相见 To stay in good,spirts,don't overeat. To get along,don't speak harshly of others. 赞誉之词可于人后言,闻者心喜 批评之话当于人前说,可免是非 Praising people behind their backs makes them happy. Criticizing people to their faces avoids gossip. 多一个朋友,自然少一个敌人 多一分努力,自然少一分挫败 One more friend is one less enemy. A day of hard work is a day of satisfaction. 红花必须要有绿叶的陪衬,才能显出整体的美感 明月必须要有众星的点缀,才能表现夜色的美丽 |