一等朋友:规过劝善,教以正道 二等朋友:患难与共,砌磋互勉 三等朋友:趋炎附势,以势利交 劣等朋友:吃喝玩乐,朋比为奸 The first-rate friends help correct your mistakes by showing you the right path. The second-rate friends encourage you and stay with you in adversity. The third-rate friends hang on influential people and are snobs to all the rest. The fourth-rate friends are dissolute,and lead the rest astray. 一等医师:术德兼备,视病如亲 二等医师:医术高明,不耐询问 三等医师:纯为工作,毫无悲心 劣等医师:态度轻忽,草菅人命 The first-rate doctors are skilled and virtuous,and treat their patients like family. The second-rate doctors,though skilled,don't tolerate their patients' queries. The third-rate doctors are without compassion. The fourth-rate doctors are careless and indifferent to human life. 一等护士:温和耐烦,悉心照顾 二等护士:按时巡视,不亏职守 三等护士:公事公办,不耐厌烦 劣等护士:晚娘面孔,脾气暴躁 The first-rate nurses are kind and uncomplaining,and care well for patients. The second-rate nurses diligently watch the wards. The third-rate nurses lack patience and work strictly by the rules. The fourth-rate nurses are crabby,like stepmothers. 一等官员:勤政爱民,理性沟通 二等官员:操守清廉,洁身自爱 三等官员:吹牛拍马,党派营私 劣等官员:公器私用,仗势欺人 The first-rate officials are diligent administrators who care about people and keep them informed. The second-rate officials conscientiously shield themselves from corruption. The third-rate officials boast and flatter,and conspire to reap the fruits of self-interest. The fourth-rate officials are bullies who use public property for their own gain. 一等秘书:主管所需,了若指掌 二等秘书:主管交待,及时配合 三等秘书:随时提醒,犹常误事 劣乖秘书:心不在焉,有错不改 The first-rate secretaries anticipate their bosses' needs. The second-rate secretaries execute their bosses' instructions. The third-rate secretaries make many mistakes, and must always be admonished. The fourth-rate secretaries forget everything and never correct their mistakes. 一等律师:尽己所能,仗义伸冤 二等律师:态度亲切,主动解疑 三等律师:只为赚钱,敷衍塞责 劣等律师:见钱眼开,罔顾道德 The first-rate lawyers are devoted to justice and the dismissal of false charges. The second-rate lawyers are devoted to their clients,and strive to solve their problems. The third-rate lawyers care only for the pay,and can't wait to get home. The fourth-rate lawyers have lost their honor in the struggle for personal gain. 一等警察:见义勇为,亲民爱民 二等警察:尽忠职守,认真负责 三等警察:上班下班,人事周到 劣等警察:官腔十足,欺压善良 The first-rate police are brave and love the people. The second-rate police are honest and hard-working. The third-rate police just punch a clock and get along by going along. The fourth-rate police are bullies and bureaucrats. 一等传媒:正面报导,启迪人心 二等传媒:报导如实,客观公正 三等传媒:捕风捉影,主观偏颇 劣等传媒:扭曲事实,哗众取宠 The first-rate media file uplifting reports that make people happy. The second-rate media file reports that are objective and fair. The third-rate media file reports that are subjective and unsubstantiated. The fourth-rate media distort truth to gain attention and favor. 一等店员:老少无欺,顾主第一 二等店员:认真负责,服务亲切 三等店员:态度冷淡,爱理不理 劣等店员:见到客人,就像债主 The first-rate shop clerks treat customers as guests,and never cheat. The second-rate shop clerks are earnest and kind. The third-rate shop clerks are cold and indifferent. The fourth-rate shop clerks treat customers like beggars. 一等司机:安全整洁,守法礼让 二等司机:快慢得宜,遵守号志 三等司机:只会开车,不重规则 劣等司机:喜怒情绪,横冲直撞 The first-rate drivers are careful,tidy,law-abiding,and courteous. The second-rate drivers obey sign and drive safely. The third-rate drivers ignore the rules. The fourth-rate drivers are emotional and erratic. 一等导游:常识丰富,热情介绍 二等导游:平实亲切,定点解说 三等导游:不苟言笑,所知有限 劣等导游:冷漠无趣,不知所云 The first-rate tourist guides know their subject and take interest in their clients. The second-rate tourist guides are kind and open,and explain everything. The third-rate tourist guides know little and care less. The fourth-rate tourist guides are unintelligible,cold,and dour. |