If yiu do not believe in the law of causality,you will regret it after the karmic retribution. If you do not walk the path of Buddhahood,you will regret it after you die. 想要树立良好的形象,要立德 想要获得事业的成功,要立志 想要改善自我的生活,要立业 想要赢得后人的缅怀,要立言 Attain virtue to gain repute. Go into business to improve your life. Make a plan to succeed in business. Write with skill to be celebrated by history. 没有志气的人,千言万语好比耳边风 胸怀大志的人,一言半语皆如及时雨 For the hesitant,a thousand words do not help. For the determined,a word or two is like spring rain. 人生最大的敌人,不是别人,而是自己 人生最大的胜利,不是制敌,而是克己 You are your biggest enemy. Subduing yourself is your greatest victory. 滥用则多费 多费则多营 多营则多求 多求则多辱 You must spend greatly to squander greatly. If you spend greatly,you must scheme grandly. If you scheme grandly,you will demand greatly. If you demand greatly,you will be humbled massively. 能宽者为广 能广者为大 能大者为容 能容者为有 A magnanimous person may be learned. A learned person may be great. A great person will be tolerant. A tolerant person may be wealthy. 多读历史的名人故事可以养量 多想自己的心胸怀抱可以养志 To cultivate magnanimity,study the lives of the great. To cultivate determination,weigh your ideals and aspirations. 名利勘不破,道德难以增长 私情放不下,事功难以建立 To cultivate virtue you must renounce fame and gain. Your career will fail if you don't renounce selfishness. 宁可认错,莫要说谎 宁可被怪,莫要负疚 宁可吃亏,莫要结怨 宁可无用,莫要祸世 Better to admit a mistake than to lie. Better to be wronged than to do wrong. Better to be taken advantage of than to have bad relations. Better to be thought useless than to bring ruin to the world. 以宽厚为师,可以养量 以俭仆为师,可以养家 以奋发为师,可以养志 以淡泊为师,可以养德 Use magnanimity to grow more magnanimous. Use frugality to sustain your family. Use earnestness to cultivate your resolve. Use detachment to enlarge your virtue. 人生的旅途,不怕跑得慢,就怕原地站 人生的事业,不怕不如人,就怕志不立 In your lifelong journey press forward,but relax when things sometimes bog down. In your lifelong journey be steadfast,but stay calm when you feel overwhelmed. 心高,则气傲 心浮,则气躁 心虚,则理明 心实,则志坚 If your mind is proud,you will be arrogant. If your mind is vacillating,you will be impatient. If your mind is modest,you will be astute. If your mind is pragmatic,you will be resolute. 凡人但见「利之为利」,不知「无害之利」为大 圣人既见「害之为害」,尤知「有利之害」为盛 We must recognize that a good deed that is harmless is far better than one that harms a few. The wise know that a bad deed that helps somebody is far worse than one that helps nobody. 山珍海味少不了盐 花语巧语当不了钱 功成名就少不了行 投机取巧少了不功 Salt makes a delicious dish sumptuous. Honeyed words cannot make you rich. Practice is rquired for attainment. Opportunism cannot make you a success. 实务比理论有用 行动比空谈有力 勤学比天才有成 苦干比聪明有功 More useful than theory is practice. More powerful than words is action. More valuable than genius is edu-cation. More practical than intellect is hard work. 若欲杜人之口,菲若自己谨言 若欲塞人之耳,莫若自己慎行 Cautious speech averts eavesdropping. Cautious behavior arrests gossip. (发布者: 欢迎投稿,网站:无量光佛教网,讨论请进入:佛教论坛) |