Powerful and intelligent people can be tolerant. Tolerance reveals courage,ability,dedication,and responsibility. 有为者,虽泰山崩于前,仍「气」定神闲,面不改色 无能者,一遇小事临身,就「气」急败坏,惊慌失措 Able people are calm in crisis. Inept people panic at a trifle. 瞋心如狂风,会吹走人缘 愚痴如急流,会卷去幸福 我慢如暗礁,会搁浅前途 嫉妒如巨浪,会淹没理智 Hatred is a blast that blows away good affinity. Ignorance is a flood that washes away happiness. Arrogance is a reef that sinks your career. Jealousy is a wave that drowns your intellect. 要想伟大的人,不一定就能伟大 自然渺小的人,不一定真的渺小 Those who wish to be great are not necessarily great. Those who work behind the scenes are not necessarily unimportant. 豁达的人气博,放荡的人气散 俭约的人气固,吝啬的人气缩 谨慎的人气定,拘牵的人气滞 简默的人气和,深险的人气沉 The spirit of open-minded people is ample. The spirit of dissolute people is dispelled. The spirit of frugal people is firm. The spirit of stingy people is shrinking. The spirit of prudent people is stable. The spirit of restrained people is stagnant. The spirit of silent people is harmonious. The spirit of deceitful people is sunken. 坦白的人气真,粗野的人气陋 镇静的人气凝,空疏的人气嚣 忠厚的人气宽,顢頇的人气钝 精明的人气清,刻薄的人气促 The spirit of frank people is candid. The spirit of wild people is tense. The spirit of calm people is concentrated. The spirit of hollow people is haughty. The spirit of honest people is spacious. The spirit of ignorant people is dull. The spirit of keen people is clear. The spirit of cold-hearted people is hurried. 树木,没有经过日晒雨淋,不能长高 人才,没有经过千锤百炼,不能健全 Trees cannot grow unless bathed in heat and rain. People cannot be pure without strict training. 贤而得财,则损其志 最好得财后更为贤能 愚而得财,则益其过 最好得财后能去愚痴 Wealth frustrates the will of the virtuous.It is better to become virtuous after becoming rich. Wealth increases the faults of the stupid.It is better to get rid of ignorance after becoming rich. 跌倒的时候,要能认识障碍,勇敢站起 失意的时候,要能自我检讨,再次出发 困难的时候,要能冷静分析,突破执着 徬徨的时候,要能看清目标,不变随缘 When you stumble,find out why and pull yourself up. When you are frustated,find the reason and start again. When you have problems,ask if you are the cause and break your stubbornness. When you are baffled,examine your goal and follow causes and conditions. 莫谓我身不如人,不如我者更多人 莫谓我身比人好,有人比我更加好 Don't whine about inferiority:some are worse than you. Don't swell with superiority:some re better than you. 常怀感恩,较能进步 常能惭愧,较易进德 Gratitude makes for progress. Conscience makes for virtue. 自满是阻碍进步的最大因素 傲慢是破坏道业的最大敌人 Arrogance is the chief hindrance to improvement. Arrogance is the chief enemy of practice and cultivation. 听闻不足,必须补于思考 思考不足,必须补于实践 If we have not learned,we should think more. If we have not thought,we should practice more. 「结缘」助成善业,化解恶因 「结怨」成事不足,败事有余 Making good affinity helps you attain good karma and dissolve bad causes and conditions. Making bad affinity brings failure. 真正的聋子是闻善言而不着意的人 真正的盲人是见人好而不欢喜的人 真正的哑巴是口里说不出好话的人 真正的智障是对真理不生欣羡的人 The truly deaf do not listen to good advice. The truly blind do not look at others' good deeds. The truly dumb never speak well of others. The truly retarded reject the truth. 成功不必在我,只要俯仰无愧 失败无须介意,只要努力不懈 When you work hard,don't worry about success or failure. When you have done your best,don't worry it you failed. 考试的窄门,总会有一些人中选 考试的结束,总会有一些人落榜 跨进门槛的人,并不意味成功的一生 被摒在外的人,也不注定永世的失败 Some will pass their examinations,some fail. Those who pass won't necessarily succeed later,and those who fail will not stay down forever. 当挫败困厄的时候,要能不气不馁不恼 当恐惧徬徨的时候,要能无忧无虑无苦 当遭受批评的时候,要能反省惭愧忏悔 当遇到瓶颈的时候,要以积极奋斗进取 When baffled,don't be upset. (发布者: 欢迎投稿,网站:无量光佛教网,讨论请进入:佛教论坛) |