When frightened,be carefree. When criticized,examine yourself and change. When frustrated,work harder. 有不怕跌倒的毅力,才能学会走路 有改过向善的决心,才能赢得信任 有不畏碰壁的精神,才能找到出口 有精进降魔的勇气,才能迈向成功 When we are not afraid of stumbling, we learn to walk. When we determine to do good,we win trust. When we are not afraid of obstacles,we find a way. When we have the courage to subdue demons,we march towards success. 失业不可耻,无志才可悲 失学不可怜,不学才可哀 失才不可忧,缺德才可惧 失败不可怕,绝望才可叹 The pity is not to be unemployed,but to lack will. The pity is not to be uneducated,but not to try to learn. The pity is not to lack talent,but to be immoral. The pity is not to fail,but to lack hope. 有权势的人,权势不伟大,平凡才伟大 有名位的人,名位不重要,人格才崇高 Influential people are at their best when they do not flaunt their power. Important people are great only when they rely on their character,not their position. 自我反省是进步之母 自我作贱是堕落之源 Self-examination is the mother of progress. Self-humiliation is the source of degradation. 宁可做个无名的善人,不可成为风光的恶人 Better do good anonymously than do ill famously. 良好的习惯要用心去培养 不好的习惯要用心去改过 Cultivate good habits diligently. Transform bad habits diligently. 有志气者,不受人侮 有骨气者,不受人怜 The determined cannot be brought down. The courageous do not crave sympathy. 为人所不能为,是丈夫事业 忍人所不能忍,是圣贤修养 Doing the impossible is the task of great beings. Tolerating the intolerable is the cultivation of sages. 凡事求人,不易成功 自己承担,容易成就 Always relying on others leads to failure. Taking responsibility leads to success. 看他人错失处,当反观内省 说他人是非时,将自己勘验 Look at yourself when pointing out flaws in others. Think twice the before you condemn. 不合作,是做人最大的缺陷 不明理,是做人最大的聪明 不贰过,是做人最大的聪明 不迁怒,是做人最大的修养 The worst fault is unwillingness to get along. The worst ignorance is blindness to truth. The wisest thing is not to repeat a mistake. The best cultivation is not to blame others for your faults. 忍耐的大地最为厚实,故要增长忍耐 傲慢的高山最难攀登,故要去除我慢 烦恼的蔓草滋长最快,故要断除烦恼 心念的疾风最难捉摸,故要守护真心 As the earth is willing to carry all things,we must strengthen our endurance. As the high moutain is hard to climb,we must get rid of arrogance. As the weeds of defilement grow most quickly,we must cut defilement away. As the wind of thought is hardest to catch,we must protect our frue minds. 改过才会进步 认错才能增上 助人才能结缘 内敛才能养德 Admitting faults leads to correction. Correcting faults leads to progress. Helping others leads to good affinity. Self-examination leads to virtue. 自不能正身,而欲正他人者,谓之失德 自不肯敬人,而欲他人敬己,谓之悖礼 One who behaves badly,but corrects others,is whithout virtue. One who is rude,but expects courtesy from others,is without manners. 想要成功立业,必须坚持理想 欲得美梦成真,就应切实力行 Persist in your goal of a successful business. Work hard to make your dreams come true. 是小人,欢喜君子犯过,唯恐天下不乱也 是君子,耻听小人之恶,不忍世间纷争也 A mean person loves to hear that good people have made mistakes;he prefers a world in chaos. A virtuous person hates to hear that mean people have done bad things;he enjoys a tranquil world. 有承担,才有进步 肯付出,才有收获 Do your duty if you hope to advance. Be charitable if you want a rich harvest. 两方斗,两方臭 两人让,两人有 People lose who fight. People win who yield. 看那伤残缺陷的人,自己的健康何等幸福! 看那饥寒交迫的人,自己的饱食何等温暖! 看那苦役劳动的人,自己的悠闲何等快乐! 看那身系囹圄的人,自己的自由何等珍贵! The sick teach us the fortune of good health. The hungry teach us the happiness of prosperity. The overworked teach us the delight of leisure. The imprisond teach us the joy of freedom. 烈日严寒可以夺走人的生命 风暴流沙可以淹没人的身体 悬悬峭壁可以摧毁人的前途 声色货利可以腐蚀人的心志 |