



——女子德慧大学堂特别顾问彼得·圣吉(Special Adviser,Peter Senge)

Societies that have the capacity to regenerate and sustain themselves over long periods of time only do so through harmonizing masculine and feminine energies.  This balance has been all but completely lost in the hyper-masculine modern culture. Even women who become successful in today’s businesses and governments must be more like men than men.   This imbalance in leadership is manifest in the profound ecological and social imbalances that literally threaten our existence.  In my judgment, it must be corrected in order for our societies to have a future.


I am deeply moved by the work of the School of Women's Virtue and Wisdom and know that it is greatly needed in today’s world. We need schools like this not just in China but everywhere in order for women to find their own deep source of natural power and to bring it forth in their lives, their communities, and in their societies.


As women’s natural ways of leading come forward, a new voice and spirit will animate our world, the spirit of an open, soft heart. Without the open heart, we will never be able to be vulnerable, to see how we ourselves have created the problems we now face, and to start to truly work together to solve them. As one such woman, a very wise Indian teacher, Dadi Janki of the Brahma Kumaris, said recently,"We do not need leadership today, we need mothership.”

随着女性自然智慧的不断显现,将有一种新的声音和精神来推动我们的世界前进;是那种全然自由、打开,温暖的大爱。如果没有一颗全然开放的心,我们就不能无坚不摧,也无法直面我们过去种下的种种麻烦,更不可能开始正视和真正的多方协作来解决问题。正如一位来自印度的智慧女性,库马利斯世界心灵大学的老师达第-詹奇(Dadi Janki)所说:“当今世界已不再需要领导力,需要的是母性教化力(mothership)。”

I believe the School of Women's Virtue and Wisdom will help us all learn how to do this better.



Peter Senge 彼德圣吉

MIT and SoL 麻省理工学院和索奥中国 (发布者: 欢迎投稿,网站:无量光佛教网讨论请进入:佛教论坛)
