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The Biblical King David puts this very aptly when he had an issue with burnt offerings and said: "I will not offer unto the Lord something that costs me nothing!" It seems paradoxical, but if you giv

The Biblical King David puts this very aptly when he had an issue with burnt offerings and said:

"I will not offer unto the Lord something that costs me nothing!"

It seems paradoxical, but if you give without any expectation, you'll receive MORE because you never did expect anything in return.

Meditate on that.

Lastly, it's not my intention to preach, but something metaphysical happens when you tithe. A tithe is simply offering 10% of your gross income back to society.

In organized religion, it is regarded as giving back 10% to God.

When you do that, you'll not only experience spiritual fulfillment, but it also opens up more gateways for you to receive more abundance into your life. You can see it as good karma.

As an interesting fact, the area of tithing is the only part in the Christian Bible which allows Christians to actually CHALLENGE God by tithing, in Malachi 3:10:

"Bring all the tithes into the storehouse that there may be food in My house, and try Me now in this, says the Lord of hosts, If I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it."

You may or may not subscribe to this, but as my favorite author C.S Lewis puts it so eloquently:

"It's a win/win situation. Either way, you win!"



Jo Han Mok is my co-author on the book, "E-Code." He is the Director of my Hypnotic Marketing Institute at , President of Super Fast Profit Enterprise, and has been featured on America's #1 Personal Development Show alongside Tony Robbins, Mark Victor Hansen and other top achievers, as the Internet's foremost expert on Joint Venture Marketing. Visit his portal site and find out how Jo Han can help explode your sales and triple your time off in under 7 days. See his main website at


by Jo Han Mok


我当时正在听 Joe Vitale 的畅销音带《夜莺康南特》系列,“非凡销售的威力”。

(译者注:“夜莺康南特”,指世界最大励志培训机构 Nightingale-Conant Corporation,由 Lloyd Conant 创建。Lloyd Conant 是受著名财富著作启发,创建该机构。而这本书和拿破仑-希尔的《思考致富》、奥格-曼狄诺的《世界上最伟大的推销员》(羊皮卷)并称世界三大励志著作)。

Joe 特有催眠式声音带领着我的思维驰骋徜徉。

“谁是 Bill Phillip 的‘完美塑身,迎接生活挑战’的真正受益者?”他在音带中问道。





无怪乎 EAS 公司的营养配餐会立即跳入你的脑海。

Bill Phillips 当时是 EAS 公司的总裁。现在他可能正在每个热带海岛上,享受着他的 Myoplex Deluxe 营养配餐呢。

你能想象 EAS 从“完美塑身,迎接生活挑战”计划以及其它的副业中获取多少盈利吗?(这些副业中包括《肌肉媒体》杂志等,并通过这些媒介推广更多的 EAS 的配餐和“完美身材与生活”的成功故事)。

如果每一个成功故事,都将他们的惊人的成就归功于 EAS 的配餐产品,并声称“没有 EAS 的帮助,我们不可能有此成就”,你又如何感想呢?

你是否也迫不及待的想到就近的 GNC 营养食品专卖店买上一大堆 EAS 的产品回来试试?

“谁是 Bill Phillip 的‘完美塑身,迎接生活挑战’的真正受益者?”


表面看来,Bill Phillips 给超重的人以希望,他改变了成千上万的人的生活,并对所有人重申:你们也能做到!而这句话后面隐藏起来的带括号的话是——(如果你使用 EAS 的营养配餐的话)。

这件事在我心里翻滚,给了我一个震撼性的启示 —— 一个解锁财富和富裕秘密的真正钥匙。


而销售本身呢 —— 实际情况是,只要你是在“卖”什么东西,你就肯定会遇到阻力。即便你是 Zig Ziglar (畅销书作家和天才演说家)也不行,因为 Zig Ziglar 也不能保证所有的销售都能100%的成交。

(发布者: 欢迎投稿,网站:无量光佛教网讨论请进入:佛教论坛)
