Harmonious affinity with others is wonderful. Detachment from name and gain averts trouble. Happiness makes older people feel young. 工作无分贵贱,只要做者有心,一样欢喜自在 事务无分难易,只要做者有意,自然群策群力 No job is difficult or inferior when you love it. When you are devoted to your job,you will do your best. 虚心向学,承教最多 谦卑恭顺,结缘最广 You can learn a lot when you are humble. Humility lets you make lots of good affinities. 懂得付出,不计较吃亏,才是富有的人生 锱铢必较,只知道接受,必是贫穷的人生 Generosity leads to a rich life. Stinginess leads to a poor life. 信心、诚实、耐力、勇敢,都是创业的资本 等待、拖延、迁怒、怨怼,则是失败的根本 Faith,honesty,patience,and courage bring success to a new business. Waiting,procrastinating,hatred,and blaming others for your mistakes bring failure to a business. 人与人之间必须相亲相爱,才能同体共生 国与国之间必须互尊互重,才能和平共荣 Be caring:share the spirit of brother-hood. Respect all nations:share the spirit of peace. 拥有健康的身体,更要有正确的观念 具备充实的学问,更要有善美的心灵 Right thinking is more important than health. A good heart is more important than knowledge. 凡事能随缘,才能自在 凡事能放下,才能宽心 Follow causes and conditions to be free. Without attachment,you can be free of cares. 希望别人了解自己,自己要能先让别人了解 希望别人尊重自己,自己先要懂得尊重别人 If you let people understand you,you will be understood. If you give respect,you will be respected. 唯有觉得“一切都是我的”,才能产生源源不绝的动力 唯有觉得“一切皆非我的”,才能享有随缘自在的欢喜 Thinking that everything belongs to me moves me to hard labor. Thinking that nothing belongs to me leads me to a carefree life. 能够战胜别人,要靠自己的力量 能够战胜自己,要靠自己的智慧 Winning over others demands strength. Winning over yourself demands wisdom. 淡中交友可长久 静里生活寿延长 Friendship without worldly desires is long. Tranquility lengthens life. 做人要胆大 处事要心细 读书要无求 经世要有用 Be courageous in all actions. Attend to details in business. Do not study to gain fortune or fame. Strive to succeed in worldly affairs. 在委屈中学习经验 在困难中接受挑战 在失败中累积智慧 在挫折中锻炼意志 Grow from your adversities. Face challenges with equanimity. Learn wisdom from hardship. Let failure strengthen your will. 看自己,要看出不足、缺失、并懂得改进 看别人,要看出长处、专长,并加以学习 Study your faults to remove them. Learn from other people's virtues. 要有道德的生活,才算有修行 要有价值的工作,才算有成就 Nothing can be called practice and cultivation except the moral life. Nothing can be called achievement except what comes from useful work. 做事要明理 生活要随众 处人要合作 讲话要坦诚 In business,be intelligent and flexible. In society,live as one family. For barmony,don't cling to private interests. For progress,speak the truth. 自疑不信人 自信不疑人 疑人则不用 用人则不疑 Trustworthy people trust people. Untrustworthy people do not. Steer clear of untrustworthy people. But trust your comrades at work. 信心是进取的力量 甘愿是乐观的泉源 感恩是奋发的动能 惭愧是向上的助缘 Faith boosts resolve. Perfect willingness raises hope. Gratitude makes you strive to be better. Conscience makes you work with dedication. 恭敬在进退里,供养在诚心里 庄严在举止里,宽厚在待人里 戒行在行仪里,智慧在书本里 谦虚在人我里,快乐在工作里 Be respectful. Be modest. Be generous. Be solemn in your actions. Make offerings sincerely. Let the precepts shine in your manners. Find wisdom in books. Find joy in your work. 学习生出巧妙 服务生出慈悲 相处生出尊重 结缘生出欢喜 Skill comes from learning. Compassion comes from serving. Respect comes from cooperating. Joy comes from making affinity. 有计划,则不乱 有分工,则不忙 有预算,则不穷 有欢喜,则不苦 Make plans with care for a well-ordered business. Perform your job well and you won't be pressured. Live by your budget and you won't be poor. (发布者: 欢迎投稿,网站:无量光佛教网,讨论请进入:佛教论坛) |