世间以五欲六尘为乐 达人以禅悦法喜为真 世间以立德立功为务 达人以证悟般若为要 Ordinary people indulge in five desires and six senses;practitioners look for harma joy in meditation. Ordinary people think of being virtuous and making achievements;practitioners focus on attaining prajna. 世间以百年长寿为久 达人以无量寿命为安 世间以迷信执我为真 达人以慈悲无我为实 Ordinary people look for long life;practitioners look for endless life in the Dharma. Ordinary people are attached to superstition;practitioners attend to ompassion and non-self. 真正的富有,是欢喜而不是财富 真正的贫穷,是无知而不是无钱 The real wealth in happiness,not money. The real poverty is ignorance,not want of money. 心生万物随识变,心有所主自能安 人生际遇随业转,视已经营圣凡分 Consciousness can manifest all things,good and bad;when your mind is healthy you are at peace. Lives are driven by karma;how you manage your life will make you a sage or a simpleton. 多欲为穷,知足眼前皆净土 人生有定,通达身外总浮云 Desire is poverty;contentment is the pureland. Destiny is decided by causes and conditions;wealth and position are floating clouds. 历史有人,才成为历史 人有历史,才成其为人 People make history. History gives fame to people. 因缘如条件,条件具备,才能成事 自性如明镜,明镜无尘,才能照明 心地如田地,田地肥沃,才能种植 布施如播种,播种善缘,才能收成 Causes and conditions come before achievement. Buddha nature is like a bright mirror:it reflects brightly when not covered by dust. Mind is like a field:it produces when fertilized. Generosity is like sown seeds:they yield a good harvest. 修行如和烦恼作战 劝信如对未来传灯 般若如造世间桥梁 菩萨如作众生慈母 Practice and cultivation defeat defilement. Converting others is handing down the light. Prajna is building a hridge. Bodhisattva is the nurturing mother. 爱语如春风 好言如冬阳 真心如光明 惭愧如璎珞 Loving words are like the spring breeze. Good words are like the winter sun. A sincere heart is like a lamp. Conscience is like a jewel. 求法如爬山 信仰如靠山 闻法如医病 愿力如根本 Seeking truth is climbing a mountain. Having faith is relying on truth. Hearing the teaching is curing an illness. The strength of vow,like a root,is deep. 平等应视人如已,立场互易 平等应泯除成见,消灭对待 平等应尊重包容,促进和谐 平等应建立共识 倡导文明 Equality means treating others as yourself and acting in their interests. Equality means getting rid of discrimination and biased thinking. Equality means tolerating others to promote harmony. Equality means shared ideas and civilization. 有心,即使十万里路也不算远 无心,即使近在隔邻也走不到 With will,a hundred thousand miles is not far. Without will,your neighbor is far away. 细胞基因可以改变人种品质 善恶因缘可以改变人生未来 The condition of our bodies depends on our genes. Our future depends on good or bad causes and conditions. 有道之人的身中,常有情理 有道之人的手中,常有事理 有道之人的口中,常有法理 有道之人的心中,常有天理 Those who follow t'ao(way)are gracious. Those who follow t'ao(way)are principled. Those who follow t'ao(way)live the Dharma. Those who follow t'ao(way)obey nature. 佛陀大雄大力大无畏 菩萨大慈大悲大救济 罗汉大舍大离大牺牲 僧侣大愿大行大情义 The Buddha is a valiant and powerful champion. The Bodhisattva is compassionate and rescues sentient beings. The Arhat is selfless and self-sacri-ficing. The monastic vows to practice kindness and righteousness. 惜精神者,可以却病 省财用者,可以却贫 却病者一身安乐 却贫者一家安乐 Who does not squander strength has health. Health is happiness. Thrift is wealth. Wealth makes family peaceful. 真理能阻挡愚痴的邪风 柔和能消灭瞋怒的烈火 喜舍能对治贪欲的洪流 谦虚能铲除骄慢的高山 Truth is a refuge from blizzards of ignorance. Compassion puts our the flames of hate. Charity wards off torrents of greed. Modesty flattens mountains of arrogance. “慈悲喜舍遍法界”这是内修的自我涵养 “惜福结缘利人天”这是外弘的利生化生 “禅净戒行平等忍”这是治学的思想方针 “惭愧感恩大愿心”这是自他的人格圆成 (发布者: 欢迎投稿,网站:无量光佛教网,讨论请进入:佛教论坛) |