节省可以医贫,满足可以医贪 恬淡可以医躁,宽厚可以医瞋 随缘可以医执,读书可以医俗 正念可以医心,慧解可以医邪 Frugality can cure your poverty. Content can cure your greed. Tranquility can cure you impatience. Magnanimity can cure your hatred. Being always at ease can cure your attachment. Study can cure your vulgarity. Right mindfulness can cure your mind. Intelligence can cure your perversion. 健康是事业成功的资本 诚信是事业成功的基础 决心是事业成功的条件 勤奋是事业成功的动力 Health is the key to business success. Honesty is the foundation of business success. Determination is the basis of business success. Diligence is the motor of business success. 我们要打扫环境,去除烦恼的尘埃 我们要扶起路树,栽植心中的菩提 我们要清理垃圾,美化居家的整洁 我们要疏通水沟,消除往昔的罪业 When cleaning your house,think of wiping up the dust of defilement. When propping up a fallen tree,think of planting the seed of enlightenment in your mind. When clearing away trash,think of making your home clean and tidy. When clearing a ditch,think of repenting for past transgressions. 一丝“小小”的微笑,给人无限的欢喜 一声“小小”的爱语,给人无边的受用 一件“小小”的善行,给人无量的因缘 一则“小小”的故事,给人无尽的启示 One little smile gives boundless joy. One little word does boundless good. One little tale gives boundless inspiration. One little action brings boundless good causes and conditions. 不计较“吃亏”,才能享有一个自在的生活 不吝于“布施”,才能拥有一个富有的人生 If you don't mind being exploited,you are free. If you aren't stingy,you are rich. 人与人之间贵在和乐相处 人与人之间病在独行独断 Get along with other people. Don't stubborn and arbitrary. 男人要有幽默感 女人要有温柔性 儿童要有接受心 青年要有创造力 Men must have a sense of humor. Women must be tender. Children must seek education. Young people must be creative. 君子者,谦下处众,因此所到之处,都是一团和“气” 小人者,仗势欺人,所以身置何地,均为乌烟瘴“气” Good people bring harmony through courtesy. Bad people bring disharmony through intimidation. 身在万物中,要有人无我 心在三界外,要有我无人 Shou selfless concern for others. Transcend the three realms of existence by cultivating yourself. 忙,才能促进心灵的健康 忙,才能培养自己的因缘 忙,才能发挥生命的力量 忙,才能提升人生的价值 Keep busy for mental health. Keep busy to gather good causes and conditions. Keep busy to show the strength of life. Keep busy to enhance the value of life. 做本份人,说真心话 作情理事,交诚实人 Know your place,speak sincerely,act rationally,and make friends with honest people. 为与人共事,故要“自己无理,别人都对” 为增广见闻,故要“事事好奇,处处学习” 为自我提升,故要“眼光要远,脚步要近” 为顾全大局,故要“求精求全,瞻前顾后” To work with others,act as if they are right and you are wrong. To increase knowledge,be curious about everything, To improve yourself,have a vision and put it into practice. To serve society,be precise,thorough,and cautious. 不做固执己见的人,要做通情达理的人 不做尖酸刻薄的人,要做与人为善的人 不做骄傲自恃的人,要做谦和敦厚的人 不做忘恩负义的人,要做感恩图报的人 Don't be stubborn;be intelligent and open. Don't be relentless;be magnanimous and compassionate. Don't be arrogant;be modest and sincere. Don't be ungrateful;repay kind acts. 财富的拥有要靠大众的承认 群我的融洽要靠人脉的缘份 The public must recognize property rights. Harmony requires good causes and conditions. 做事要有头有尾,全始全终 做人要有情有义,全心全意 See matters through from beginning to end. Treat others with kindness and justice. 能够“以退为进”则是不争 懂得“以无为有”则是富足 欢喜“以众为我”则是拥有 时刻“以空为乐”则是法喜 Treating retreat as advance prevents arguments. Regarding emptiness as wealth makes you rich. Considering others as family brings you contentment. Accepting emptiness brings you Dharma joy. 宽宏大量是个宝 与人无争结缘好 放下名利不烦恼 心生欢喜不觉老 Magnanimity is a great treasure. (发布者: 欢迎投稿,网站:无量光佛教网,讨论请进入:佛教论坛) |