For self-cultivation,let compassion,love,joy,and calm fill the dharma-dhatu. To benefit others,cherish what you have and make good affinity. To learn,practice meditation,observe precepts,and show tolerance. To perfect yourself and others,be diligent and gracious to make a great vow. 地上的山水妙在丘壑之深邃 画上的山水妙在笔墨之淋漓 梦中的山水妙在景象之变化 胸中的山水妙在位置之自如 Mountains are by nature splendid. Mountains in paintings are splendid by art. Mountains in dreams have a ghostly splendor. But the mind's mountains are the most splendid. 现实的家园会有成住坏空 自己的本性才能永恒安住 We must endure birth,existence,obliteration,and death. Only our true nature is eternal. 务农耕者能知道种植方法,即是般若 建筑业者能懂得规画设计,即是般若 科学专家能发明利生用品,即是般若 家庭主妇能管理全家事务,即是般若 When farmers reap a great harvest,it is prajna, When architects build to the sky,it is prajna. When scientists make discoveries,it is prajna. When mothers care for children,it is prajna. 志由事立,事立则志成 佛由人成,人成即佛成 To run a business you must set goals. To attain Buddhahood you must perfect yourself. 佛法说“苦”目的是要众生“除苦得乐” 佛法说“法”目的是要众生“知空识有” Buddhism says we can avoid suffering and be happy. Buddhism says that all arises from emptiness. 受戒才是自由,欲得自由,必须持戒 喜舍才是富贵,欲得富贵,必须能舍 To be free,observe the precepts. To be rich,practice generosity. 无你、无我,无生死分隔的“超越观”是佛道 无自、自他,无怨亲对待的“慈悲观”是佛道 无彼、无此,无人我差别的“缘起观”是佛道 无私、无欲,无利害得失的“平等观”是佛道 The Buddha's path carrier you beyond the delusive notions of self and death. The Buddha's path is compassion for all,even enemies. The Buddha's path is dependent origination without discrimination of self and other. The Buddha's path is equality for all and no selfish desires. 一水贯通五湖四海 一月遍照万国九州 一雨普润三春草木 一雷觉醒大地群迷 一言决断千古犹豫 一理贯通千差万别 一心广含十方虚空 一念慈悲万众受益 Rivers flow to lakes and seas. The moon shines everywhere. Rain nurtures a forest. Thunder awakens many deluded beings. One word can stir the hesitant. One sentence can scatter all doubt. The mind can encompass the universe. One compassionate thought can save the world. 力田不如逢春 善仕不如遇缘 巧辩不如诚实 考官不如选佛 Prefer happiness to drudgery. Prefer good conditions to skill. Prefer honesty to eloquence. Prefer Buddhahood to business. 寡言者未必是愚痴 利口者未必是聪明 自尊者未必是傲慢 承顺者未必是忠诚 Silence is not stupidity. Cleverness is not wisdom. Self-respect is not arrogance. Subservience is ont loyalty. 根深本固,其果必茂 渊源流长,其水必清 登高远眺,其境必宽 养深积厚,其志必大 Deep roots yield rich fruit. Great rivers run clean. You see the world from a moun-taintop. To reach your goal,never give up. 无牵无挂的心理是快活的 无欲无求的眼界是宽阔的 无得无失的人生是豁达的 无来无去的生命是自然的 When you are not troubled,you will be serene. When you desire nothing,your scope will be large. When you don't care for gain,you will be content. When your life is tranquil,you will be natural. 不忌残缺,懂得欣赏残缺之美,就是圆满 不妒贤良,懂得广纳贤良之才,就是成功 Don't shun the disabled:recognize their talents. Don't resent the able:employ them. 物不在奇,缺之则珍 才不在高,适用则优 施不在多,即时则贵 道不在深,应机则妙 Ordinary things are cherished when scarce. Ordinary people shine in the right vocation. A small gift at the right time has great worth. A small lesson has great value when it contains a priceless truth. 树高万丈不离根 花开千朵不离心 耸云高楼不离地 万乘之尊不离民 A tree cannot grow high without roots. A flower cannot rise without a stalk. The highest building begins at the ground. Au emperor has no glory without subjects. 识见不高,易生事端 德望不足,易生怒气 诚信不够,易生流言 道理不明,易生诡辩 Misunderstanding leads to trouble. (发布者: 欢迎投稿,网站:无量光佛教网,讨论请进入:佛教论坛) |