
Practice patience (忍辱) Patience is one of the most important virtues for developing mindfulness and concentration. (“忍辱是培养正念和专注的最重要的美德之一” ) Patience is forged by constantly

  Practice patience (忍辱)
  Patience is one of the most important virtues for developing mindfulness and concentration. (“忍辱是培养正念和专注的最重要的美德之一” )
  Patience is forged by constantly meeting the edge. In the most challenging situations, merely showing up, being present, may be all that is possible-and it may be enough. (忍辱是通过不断地与“边缘”相遇而铸成的。在最富挑战性的情景中,仅仅去面对而不退却,就是我们所能做到的全部了——而这就已经足够了。)
  One student recounts the effects of this kind of patience in Dipa Ma's life She had seen her mind go through every kind of suffering and was able to sit through it. Later, when she came out of that fire, there was something very determined, almost frightening about how she could look at you, because she had seen herself. There was nowhere to hide. She exemplified that you can't just sit around thinking about getting enlightened. You have to take hold of these truths at the deepest level of your heart. (一位学生详细地叙述过在蒂帕嬷一生中,这种耐性的效果:“她已经了知其内心经受每种磨难并且能够坚持到底。后来,当她从那团火走出来的时候,因为她已经了知自我,所以她能够用一种怎样的目光看着你啊!——那是如此的坚定,而又几乎令人震惊。任何东西都不能将其隐藏。她以此说明,你不能坐等开悟——你一定要在内心最深处经受这些事实。” ) 
  Patience is a lifetime practice, to be developed and refined over time. Cultivating patience is a large part of maturing the mind, which, according to Dipa Ma, is the highest vocation of all. (忍辱需要终生去实践,需要不断地去开发,不断地去改善。忍辱是心智成熟的最重要的内容——如蒂帕嬷所说,是最高的“使命”。)

  Free your mind (放开你的心)
  Your mind is all stories. “你的头脑是你所有的故事
  Dipa Ma did not say that the mind is mostly stories; she said that there is nothing in the mind but stories. These are the personal dramas that create and maintain the sense of individual identity who we are, what we do, what we are and are not capable of.

  Without our being aware of it, the endless series of such thoughts drives and limits our lives - and yet those stories are without substance. (蒂帕嬷不是说头脑是你的大部分故事,她说的是头脑中除了故事,别无它物。这些故事都是个人所上演的戏,它创造出和维持着个体认同感——我们是谁,我们所做的是什么,我们更够或不能够做什么。如果我们对这些故事没有觉知,无尽的思想之流就会驱使并限制着我们的生活,而且那些故事将变得不具实质。)
  Dipa Ma challenged studentsbelief in and attachment to their stories. When someone said, I can't do that, she would ask, Are you sure or Who says or Why not She encouraged students to observe the stories, to see their emptiness, and to go beyond the limitations they impose. Let go of thinking, she urged. Meditation is not about thinking. (蒂帕嬷挑战那些信任并且执著他们的故事的学生。当有人说:“我办不到”,她会问:“你肯定吗?”或“谁说的?”或“为什么不能呢?”她鼓励学生去观察他们的故事,去了知其空性,以及去超越他们施诸其上的限制。“离开思想”她如此劝诫,“禅修与思想无关”。)
At the same time, Dipa Ma taught that the mind is not an enemy to be gotten rid of. Rather, in the process of befriending the mind, in getting to know and accept it, it ceases to be a problem. (同时,蒂帕嬷教导我们:心不是要去除掉的敌人;在将心当作朋友的过程中,在了解、接受它的过程中,它不再是问题。)

  Cool the fire of emotions (冷却情绪之火)
  Anger is a fire.(“恼怒是火” )
  When someone came to visit Dipa Ma, it didn't matter who it was, or what emotional state they were embroiled in, or what the circumstances were. In every instance, Dipa Ma saw each person as someone to be loved. Can we offer the same acceptance to the emotions that arise in us, treating them as visitors to be treated with lovingkindness Can we simply allow them to come and go, without reacting in ways that might be harmful (不论来访者是谁,不论他们处在何种情绪状态、何种境况,蒂帕嬷总是充满慈爱地接见他们中的每一位。我们能够对自己的情绪同样发出接纳之心吗?我们能够像对待访客那样慈爱地对待它吗?我们是否能够允许他们来来去去而不以可能有害的方式去反应吗?)
  A lot of incidents happen in daily life which are undesirable, Dipa Ma said. Sometimes I experience some irritation, but my mind remains cool. Irritation comes and passes. My mind isn't disturbed by this. Anger is a fire. But I don't feel any heat. It comes and it dies right out. (“许多在日常生活中发生的事件都不如人意”,蒂帕嬷说道,“有时候,我经历着一些恼怒,但我的心仍然着保持冷静。恼怒来了又走。我的心并不受它的干扰。恼怒是火,但我没有感到热。它是如此清楚地生起和灭去”。) (发布者: 欢迎投稿,网站:无量光佛教网讨论请进入:佛教论坛)
