

蒂帕嬷 (Dipa Ma): 一个禅修成就者的修行开示 

  修行窍诀海按:Dipa Ma 是南传佛教一位传奇的大成就者。她以居士之身中年开始修行,很短时间内得到了很大的成就;她按师父指示按《清净道论》修行神通,并如实地证到了五种神通的惊人成就,例如她可以分身、穿墙、预知。。。而后她又不再修习神通,因为她觉得对证道有障碍。她为西方弟子传法并获得了世界级的声誉。她的开示与汉藏大德异曲同工,末学受益匪浅,以下是她的修行开示。

  Meditate all the time (随时随地禅修)
  Practice now. Don't think you will do more later. (“现在就去修行。不要以为你将来有的是时间” )
  Dipa Ma stated firmly that if you want peace, you must practice regularly. She insisted that students find time for formal meditation practice every day, even if only for five minutes. If that proved impossible, she advised, At least when you are in bed at night, notice just one in-breath and one out-breath before you fall asleep. (蒂帕嬷坚决地说,如果你想平静你就得经常地修习。她坚持认为学生应该每天找时间去进行正式的禅修,哪怕五分钟也好。如果连这都不可能做到,她建议道: “至少,你可以在晚上入睡之躺在床上去注意一呼一吸”。)
  More importantly, in addition to formal sitting on the cushion, Dipa Ma urged students to make every moment of their lives a meditation. Some of us are busy people who find it difficult to set aside any time at all. If you are busy, then busyness is the meditation, she tells us. Meditation is to know what you are doing. When you do calculations, know that you are doing calculations. If you are rushing to the office, then you should be mindful of rushing. When you are eating, putting on your shoes, your socks, your clothes, you must be mindful. It is all meditation! (除了坐垫上的正式打坐,更重要的是,蒂帕嬷劝诫学生要将生活中的每个时刻都要成为禅修的时间。我们当中的一些大忙人觉得为禅修留出一点儿的时间都很困难。“如果你忙,那么工作就是禅修”。她告诉我们,“禅修是了知你所正在做的事情。当你在计算,了知你正在计算。当你匆匆忙忙赶去上班,你应该对匆忙的行为保持正念。你在吃东西的时候,穿鞋子、袜子、衣服的时候,你一定要保持正念。这些都是禅修!”)
  For Dipa Ma, mindfulness wasn't something she did, it was who she was-all the time. Dipa Ma made it clear that there is nothing wrong with lapses of mindfulness, with the mind wandering. It happens to everyone. It is not a permanent problem. (保持正念不是蒂帕嬷“要去做的事情”,正念一直与她溶为一体。蒂帕嬷很清楚,心念散乱、正念流失并非过错。“每个人都会碰到这样的情况。(但)这问题不是恒常的”。)
  There is nothing ultimately to cling to in this world, Dipa Ma taught, but we can make good use of everything in it. Life is not to be rejected. It is here. And as long as it is here and we are here, we can make the best use of it. (“最终而言,世界上没有什么东西可执著的”,蒂帕嬷如此教导,“但我们可以善用一切东西。我们不应该拒绝生活。生活就在我们眼前,只要它在我们眼前,我们就要善用它”。)

  Choose one meditation practice and stick with it (选好一个法门然后坚定不移地修习)
  If you want to progress in meditation, stay with one technique. (“如果你想在禅修上取得进步,就要坚守一个法门” )
  For those beginning the spiritual journey, Dipa Ma was adamant about commitment to one of meditation. Don't give up, and don't jump around from practice to practice. Find a technique that suits you, and keep going until you find your edge, the point where difficulties start to arise. (对于那些心灵旅程的启步者,蒂帕嬷坚决认为要坚守一种禅修法门。不要放弃,也不要在这个和那个法门之间跳来跳去。去找一个适合你的法门,然后坚持修习,一直到发现你的“边缘”——也就是困难开始出现的地方。)
  A common mistake many Western spiritual seekers make is to interpret difficulties as a problem with a particular practice. From the vantage point of that uncomfortable edge, some other practice always looks better. Maybe I should do Tibetan chanting . . . or Sufi dancing. In fact, difficulties usually are a reliable sign that the practice is working. (西方求道者普遍所犯的一个错误是把特定的一个修行法门的困难当作问题。那个一个法门的“边缘”令人感到不舒服,所以另外一些法门看起来总是更好。“也许我应该去试试藏传佛教的唱颂……或者苏非舞”。事实上,困难通常是修习起作用的可靠迹象。)
  Take Dipa Ma's advice to heart. Stick with the practice you've chosen through difficulty and doubt, through inspiration and stagnation, through the inevitable ups and downs. If you can stay committed to your practice through the darkest of times, wisdom will dawn. (将蒂帕嬷的忠告铭记于心吧。坚守你所选择的法门,穿越困难和怀疑,穿越激越和停滞,穿越那不可避免的起起落落吧。如果你能坚持修行,能度过最黑暗的时光,智慧的黎明就会来临。) (发布者: 欢迎投稿,网站:无量光佛教网讨论请进入:佛教论坛)
