The determined can erase all their faults. 世间事没有绝对的成功,只有不断进步 世间法没有所谓的公平,只有真理无私 There is only progress,not absolute success. Only the truth is absolutely just. 心善,则触目所及皆真善美 心恶,则言行举止皆贪瞋痴 A good heart sees truth,goodness,and beauty. An evil heart shows greed,hatred,and ignorance. 大愿没能提得起,是非就放不下 是非没能放得下,大愿就提不起 Making a great vow helps you halt gossip. Halting gossip helps you make a great vow. 一已的私欲可以引起战端 一念的仇恨可以祸延子孙 一腔的热情可以化解冷漠 一心的专注可以开发潜能 Selfishness provokes war. Hatred rouses generations of calamity. Sympathy conveys warmth. Attentiveness brings progress. 读书,要求精不求博 用心,要求专不求杂 Study reality,not just books. Study intensely and don't be distracted. 乐观的人,永远为自己“比下有余”而庆幸 悲观的人,永远为自己“比上不足”而遗憾 Cheerful people treasure their advantages. Gloomy people waste time lementing their fate. 当愚痴的邪风吹来的时候,要抱紧智慧明理的磐石 要瞋怒的烈火炽盛的时候,应泼洒柔和忍耐的法水 当贪欲的洪流高涨的时候,需开启喜舍布施的闸门 当骄慢的高山隆起的时候,得运用谦虚尊重的巨铲 When the evil wind of ignorance blows,hold on to the rock of wisdom. When the fire of hatred burns,sprinkle it with the Dharma water of tenderness and patience. When the torrent of greed floods in,open your gate of generosity. When the mountain of arrogance swells,take up your shovel of modesty and respect. 成功的秘密,在于对目标的坚定有恒 成功的要诀,在于对因缘的了然于胸 The key to success is persistence. The key to success is awareness of causes and conditions. 不顺利的逆境,要靠勇气克服 不顺意的人事,要用雅量包容 With courage,we can conquer adversity. With magnanimity,we can tolerate unhappy relationships. 眼欲看,当看其邪与正 耳欲听,当听其是与非 口欲言,当言其对与错 手欲做,当做其真与假 脚欲行,当行其当与否 心欲想,当想其善与恶 To see right,eyes must look past illusion. To hear right,ears must listen with care. To speak right,mouth must tell no lies. To do right,hands must shun evil. To walk right,feet must find the path. To think right,mind must discern the truth. 只要有生命,未来就有希望 只要活下去,必定就有力量 Where there is life,there is hope. Where there is life,there is strength. 利害心愈明,则亲属不睦 贤愚心愈明,则交友不长 是非心愈明,则修道不成 好恶心愈明,则事理不契 Those who are too critical about gain or loss cannot get along with relatives. Those who discriminate sage from simpleton cannot be friends for long. Those who discriminate right from wrong too much cannot practice well. Those who discriminate like from dislike too much cannot walk the path towards truth. “礼贤下士”是身为领导者成功的要素 “妒贤害能”是身为主管者失败的原因 Courtesy to the wise and scholarly brings a leader cuccess. Jealousy of the wise and virtuous brings a leader failure. 每说一句话,总是发自肺腑,不因拙于言辞而造成别人难堪 每做一件事,必然考虑周延,不因一念愚昧而误了全盘计划 Tell the truth,but don't embarrass others with indiscreet speech. Always make a plan,but don't spoil the outcome with reckless action. 说话,要立志说“有三千年功用”的话语 做事,要立志做“有三千年影响”的事业 作文,要立志作“有三千年价值”的文章 道德,要立志行“有三千年示范”的德行 When you make a speech,let it reverberate for 3000 years. When you do business,let it resound for 3000 years. When you publish an article,let it resonate for 3000 years. When you act righteously,be a role model for 3000 years. 懊悔无益,结果一生都在遗憾中度过 实践诺言,才能在现世的人生里圆满 There is no use living a life of regret. Lead a perfect life by keeping your word. 只要你愿意为大众写下“历史”的篇章 别人自然乐意为你留下“历史”的轨迹 As we hope to be remembered by future generations,so did our ancestors hope that we would remember them. 伟大的人以成就他人完成自己 卑劣的人以残害他人成就自己 Great people help others achieve greatly. Mean people hold others back. 欺压弱小,这是可耻的行为 征服困难,才是荣耀的举动 Bullying the weak is shameful. (发布者: 欢迎投稿,网站:无量光佛教网,讨论请进入:佛教论坛) |