Caring without intruding increases our virtue. Respecting without annoying makes good affinity. Tolerating without aversion accumulates merits. Flexibility without attachment frees us from care. 能够抛弃仇恨的刀剑,自能获得身心的自在 能够卸下执着的枷锁,自能享受清凉的禅悦 Relinquish the sword of hatred,free your body and mind. Sever the bond of obstinacy,profit from meditation. 当烦恼无耐的时候,要能忍耐而不让情绪失控 当寂寞无助的时候,要更坚强而不生心生退却 When powerless and worried,be calm and patient. When powerless and lonely,be confident and strong. 快乐,是人之所求,但太乐则乐极生悲 忧苦,是人之所厌,但太苦则无以奋志 We seek happiness,but too much of it leads to sorrow. We fly from suffering because too much of it is dispiriting. 不当看的不看,否则会看出烦恼来 不当听的不听,否则会听出痛苦来 不当问的不问,否则会问出是非来 不当做的不做,否则会做出问题来 Do not see what you should not see;it will trouble you. Do not hear what you should not hear;it will trouble you. Do not ask what you should not ask;it will trouble you. Do not do what you should not do;it will trouble you. 有出息的人,能将不好的事物转化为自我奋发的动能 有作为的人,能将刺耳的语言转化成慈悲喜舍的音乐 A gifted person gains energy from adversity. A gifted person turns harsh words into the music of compassion,lovingkindness,joyfulness,and equanimity. 很自重的人,自不会做出自取其辱的事 能尊人的人,自不会说出令人难堪的话 Those who respect themselves do not humiliate themselves. Those who respect others do not humiliate others. 失败中可能出现成功的曙光,因此要败而不馁 成功也可能暗藏失败的阴影,因此要胜而不骄 Don't be discouraged by failure;it is the first stage of success. Don't boast about success;it masks the shadow of failure. 修身不可贪财、贪爱、贪瞋 为人不可自大、自怨、自艾 交友不可无信、无义、无耻; 处世不可负国、负人、负己 To practice and cultivate,don't be attached to money,love,or hate. To get along,don't be arrogant,whine,or blame yourself. To make friends,don't be false,corrupt,or unprincipled. To carry on in society,don't be faithless to the nation,the people,or yourself. 有的人值得被人利用,故能成才 有的人堪受被人利用,故能成器 有的人不能被人利用,故难成功 有的人拒绝被人利用,故难成就 Those worthy of being used will be successful. Those willing to be used will be useful. Those who cannot be used will hardly be successful. Those who refuse to be used will hardly be useful. 有志者,自有千方百计 无志者,只有千难万险 The determined will do everything to succeed. The irresolute think it's impossible to achieve anything. 心中不舒服而介意,谓之「气」,气生则神伤 胸中不抱残而奋起,谓之「志」,志立则神明 The nuisance anger is the father of misery. Determination is not turned aside by worry;determination is the mother of brilliance. 逢师不学去后悔 遇贤不交别后悔 事亲不孝丧后悔 对主不忠退后悔 If you do not learn from a good teacher,you will regret it. If you do not make friends with a sage,you will regret it. If you do not show filial piety,you will regret it when your parents die. If you are not loyal to your boss,you will regret it when you are fired. 见义不为过后悔 见危不救陷后悔 因果不信报后悔 佛道不修死后悔 If you do not have the courage to do what's right,you will regret it always. If you do not save someone from danger,you will regret it. If yiu do not believe in the law of causality,you will regret it after the karmic retribution. If you do not walk the path of Buddhahood,you will regret it after you die. 想要树立良好的形象,要立德 想要获得事业的成功,要立志 想要改善自我的生活,要立业 想要赢得后人的缅怀,要立言 Attain virtue to gain repute. Go into business to improve your life. Make a plan to succeed in business. Write with skill to be celebrated by history. 没有志气的人,千言万语好比耳边风 胸怀大志的人,一言半语皆如及时雨 For the hesitant,a thousand words do not help. For the determined,a word or two is like spring rain. 人生最大的敌人,不是别人,而是自己 人生最大的胜利,不是制敌,而是克己 You are your biggest enemy. Subduing yourself is your greatest victory. 滥用则多费 多费则多营 多营则多求 多求则多辱 You must spend greatly to squander greatly. If you spend greatly,you must scheme grandly. If you scheme grandly,you will demand greatly. If you demand greatly,you will be humbled massively. 能宽者为广 能广者为大 能大者为容 能容者为有 A magnanimous person may be learned. (发布者: 欢迎投稿,网站:无量光佛教网,讨论请进入:佛教论坛) |