一等婆媳:如母女般的亲密 二等婆媳:如朋友般的尊重 三等婆媳:如君臣般的严肃 劣等婆媳:如冤家般的相聚 The first-rate relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is like the intimate relationship between mother and daughter. The second-rate relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is like the respectful relationship between friends. The third-rate relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is like the imperious relationship of queen to subject. The fourth-rate relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is the spiteful relationship of two enemies. 一等父母:爱念子女,教以圣贤之道 二等父母:供给无乏,帮助成家立业 三等父母:溺爱宠信,任其游荡非为 劣等父母:不教不养,经常凌虐施暴 The first-rte parents love their children and train them in the way of sages. The second-rate parents provide for their children's needs and help them establish families and businesses. The third-rate parents pamper their children and leave them to idle away. The fourth-rate parents do not train their children, but rather often mistreat them. 一等儿女:孝悌恭敬,晨昏定省 二等儿女:供亲所需,敬业乐业 三等儿女:游闲疏懒,结交损友 劣等儿女:作奸犯科,忤亲逆伦 The first-rate children show filial piety and address their parents morning and evening. The second-rate children work hard to fulfill their parents' needs. The third-rate children are lazy and make friends with bad people. The fourth-rate children do bad thing and disobey their parents. 一等丈夫,幽默说笑,助理家务 二等丈夫,喝茶看报,赞美太太 三等丈夫,气势凌人,嫌东嫌西 劣等丈夫,在外交际,游荡不归 The first-rate husband has a sense of humor and helps with chores. The second-rate husband enjoys tea with his newspaper,and praises his wife constantly. The third-rate husband is a bully and complainer. The fourth-rate husband revels with friends and returns home late. 一等太太,治家整洁,贤慧有德 二等太太,慰问丈夫,赞美辛劳 三等太太,唠叨不休,嫌怪家事 劣等太太,搬是弄非,制造事端 The first-rate wife is virtuous and keeps a neat home. The second-rate wife comforts and praises her husband. The third-rate wife is a nag and complainer. The fourth-rate wife gossips and makes trouble. 一等出家人:发菩提心,行菩萨道 二等出家人:发出离心,安分守道 三等出家人:攀缘世情,俗不可耐 劣等出家人:自私自利,不守清规 The first-rate monastice have Bodhi minds and walk the path of the Bodhisattva. The second-rate monastics aspire to be detached from worldly affairs,law-abiding,and content. The third-rate monastics are vulgar,and inclined to worldly affairs. The fourth-rate monastics are selfish,and reject pure precepts. 一等信徒:恭敬三宝,助宣文教 二等信徒:护法卫僧,正知正见 三等信徒:贡高我慢,自赞毁他 劣等信徒:正邪不分,谤僧毁法 The first-rate devotees honor the Triple Gem and help spread Buddhist teaching and education. The second-rate devotees shelter the Dharma and the Sangha out of right understanding of Buddhism. The third-rate devotees arrogantly praise themselves while slandering others. The fourth-rate devotees cannot tell the true from the corrupt, but slander the Sangha and the Dharma. 一等主管:关怀员工,尊重专业 二等主管:信任授权,人性管理 三等主管:官僚作风,气势凌人 劣等主管:疑心猜忌,不通人情 The first-rate managers care for their workers and respect their skills. The second-rate managers trust their workers to do their jobs. The third-rate managers are arrogant bureaucrats. The fourth-rate managers are jealous,suspicious, and inconsiderate. 一等员工:敬业乐群,忠勤作务 二等员工:认真负责,无愧操守 三等员工:偷懒怠情,胡混时光 劣等员工:制造事端,损人利己 The first-rate employees respect their jobs and co-workers,and are loyal and diligent in performance. The second-rate employees work hard and responsibly,and are moral in their conduct. The third-rate employees are lazy and waste time. The fourth-rate employees incite conflicts for their own gain but others' harm. 一等同事:互相尊重,推敬其能 二等同事:合作无间,互补互信 三等同事:孤僻独行,自以为是 劣等同事:兴风作浪,破坏好事 The first-rate colleagues respect and commend each other's abilities. The second-rate colleagues work well together,trusting and helping each other. The third-rate colleagues are egocentric loners who scorn the opinions of others. The fourth-rate colleagues are trouble-makers who undermine the achievements of others. 一等朋友:规过劝善,教以正道 二等朋友:患难与共,砌磋互勉 三等朋友:趋炎附势,以势利交 劣等朋友:吃喝玩乐,朋比为奸 The first-rate friends help correct your mistakes by showing you the right path. (发布者: 欢迎投稿,网站:无量光佛教网,讨论请进入:佛教论坛) |