凡事不可过份希望于人,必须穷身力行,方能有济 凡事不可过份执着于己,必须集思广益,才能成功 Don't depend on others: rely on yourself for success. Don't be stubborn: to succeed,get other opinions. 常以「尊敬」「信实」,与上司沟通,下情自能上达 能以「尊重」、「信任」,与部属往来,上令必能下行 Respect your boss when you must talk to him. Respect your subordinates,and trust them to carry out orders. 为自求进步,应该以「养气」代替「怨气」 为成就事业,应该以「和气」代替「意气」 To succeed in life, cultivate spirtuality instead of complaint. To succeed in business,cultivate harmony instead of passion. 过多的爱护并非不好 但要受得起也给得起 受得起不会给人失望 给得起不会辜负人意 Too much caring is not necessarily bad, but one should know how to receive and to give. Being able to receive, you encourage others; being able to give, you satisfy others. 少年要有礼赞生命的感恩 青年要有自觉信念的价值 壮年要有活水源头的精进 老年要有欢喜生活的平静 Children should praise and be grateful for life. Youth should awaken to the value of faith. Young men and women should gush like a fountain. The elderly should enjoy a tranquil life. 人生最大的福报,莫如无病康健 处世最大的乐事,莫如无事免难 The luckiest thing is to be healthy. The happiest thing is to be secure. 对财物要有惜福、惜情、惜缘的珍惜之心 对事物要有尽善、尽美、尽心的无愧之念 We must cherish property as we do merit, love and sentiment, and affinity. We must manage our business well to avoid regrets. 做事要发心,开发心地才能生长万物 待人要慈悲,与慈行悲才能得到人缘 Ambition in business can increase merit and virtue. Treating people with compassion makes for good relationships. 思想要有活见解 做事须下死工夫 Thinking requires fresh ideas. Working requires real effort. 越多做,越能做 越会忙,越能忙 The more you do, the more you can do. The busier you are,the busier you can be. 身体有病,要靠医生来诊疗 心灵生病,要靠自己来医治 Illness is cured by a doctor. Madness is cured by yourself. 为人要有品德 做事要有品质 立业要有品格 生活要有品味 To behave well, be moral. To handle affairs, be good. To conduct business,be upright. To live well, have good taste. 为人之德只在「谦让」 修身之道只在「正派」 行善之要只在「喜舍」 朋友之交只在「情义」 The highest virtue is modesty. The way of practice is righteousness. The key to good deeds is generosity. The key to making friends is kindness and justice. 过份节俭者,会给人指为吝啬 过份谦让者,会给人讥为畏缩 过份胆小者,会给人评为卑贱 过份快速者,会给人认为马虎 Too much frugality is called stinginess. Too much modesty is called prudery. Too much caution is called timidity. Too little caution is called recklessness. 勤则家兴 懒则家倾 俭则家富 奢则家贫 Diligence makes a family wealthy. Laziness makes a family decline. Frugality makes a family prosper. Extravagance makes a family poor. 俭朴是穷人的财富 俭朴是富人的智慧 俭仆是治国的要件 俭朴是廉洁的品德 Thrift brings fortune to the poor. Thrift is the virtue of the rich. Thrift is essential to ruling a country. Thrift is a virtue that cannot be corrupted. 处事依据道理 行为遵循伦理 做人要能讲理 学道须究真理 In business, be principled. In society, be ethical. To get along, be reasonable. To practice Buddhism, learn the truth. 委屈自己,才能跟人团结 自我牺牲,才能跟人合作 To unite, compromise. To work with others, be flexible. 用容颜表达欢喜 用双肩担当责任 用微笑美化人生 用胸怀包容一切 Show happiness with your expression. Bear responsibilities with your shoulders. Make a better life with your smile. Embrace the world with your heart. 在发怒的时候有慈悲的心肠 在慈悲的时候有发怒的认真 在拥有的时候有喜舍的个性 在喜舍的时候有拥有的感受 When you are angry, also be compassionate. When you are compassionate,also be serious. When you own something, you can enjoy giving. When you practice joyful giving, you can feel you own something. 若能以「牛马」精神服务大众,必为大家尊敬 若能以「龙象」姿态成就事业,必为社会中坚 If we serve others like cattle or horses, we will be respected. If we succeed in business like the dragon or elephant, we can be society's elite. 面对苦恼时,不要伤心流泪,要以悲愤为力量 面对委屈时,不要叹息失望,要以忍耐为担当 面对诱惑时,不要虚荣迷茫,要以禅定为舟航 (发布者: 欢迎投稿,网站:无量光佛教网,讨论请进入:佛教论坛) |