Not mending minor flaws leads to failure,as a stone is worn away day by day,unnoticed. 猜忌,使我们远离信任的目光 怀疑,使我们错过幸福的召唤 嫉妒,使我们模糊朋友的面貌 妄想,使我们失去现世的拥有 Distrust loses us the trust of others. Suspicion destroys our contnet-ment. Jealousy blure our friends' faces. Daydreaming loses all we have. 一念瞋心如火,烧尽累劫功德之林 一念人我是非,积聚善念付水漂流 Flames of hatred burn forests of merits. Rivers of malice wash away our good names. 贪图虚名者易遭损 无德求福者易遭困 无功受禄者易遭辱 争名夺利者易遭谴 Unmerited wealth is enfeebling. Unmerited reward is depressing. Unmerited fame is a trap. 不尊重自己者,容易取辱 不畏惧自己者,容易招祸 不自满自高者,必能受益 不自是自豪者,必得人缘 The humble are humbled. The reckless shall fall. For the modest rich bounty. For compassion the world. 权重而不专擅者必贤 多金而不悭吝者必仁 才高而不傲物者可师 得意而不忘形者可敬 Rulers must be strong but not despots. Benefactors must be rich but not misers. Teachers must be smart but not pedants. Businessmen must be focused but not driven. 勿以恶小而可为,小恶如水穿石 勿以善小而不为,小善如息日增 勿以权大而可畏,权大久必自倾 勿以胆大而不畏,胆大久会自危 Avoid little bad deeds,which are like water dripping on rocks. Eventually the water breaks the rocks. Don't ignore little good deeds.They gather power day by day. Don't intimidate others with your power.It will decline sooner or later. Don't depend on your courage too much.It will get you into trouble. 自信者毁誉不能改其志 知足者权利不能变其节 静心者恩怨不能乱其神 有德者是非不能扰其心 The good are unmoved by gossip. The serene are unmoved by hell. Hope and fear do not move the contented. Nor slander nor praise,as well. 无财非贫,无学为贫 无位非贱,无耻为贱 无寿非夭,无志为夭 无子非孤,无德为孤 Poverty is not lack of money,but lack of learning. Inferiority is not lack of position,but lack of confidence. Early death is not loss of life,but loss of will. Loneliness is not absence of children,but absence of virtue. 物非义不可取 事非见不可说 人非善不可交 念非正不可举 Don't take what you don't deserve. Don't tell what you didn't see. Don't make friends with bad people. Don't awaken evil thoughts. 小小金刚,能坏须弥 小小星火,能够燎原 小小细菌,会伤身体 小小忏悔,能破大恶 A little vajra can topple Mount Sumeru. A little spark can burn down a forest. A little germ can shatter your body. A little repentance can repair grave transgressions. 师父弟子不怕分离 能善强者不怕困难 善人君子不怕冤枉 道人学者不怕贫穷 Master and disciple are not afraid of parting. Able people are not afraid of problems. Virtuous people are not afraid of slander. Real Buddhists are not afraid of poverty. 水不动者,湖泊不清 志不强者,智力不远 言不信者,行持不果 心不坚者,道学不成 Stagnant water cannot make a clear lake. Wisdom cannot be cultivated without strong will. Practice and cultivation cannot be successful without keeping one's word. Enlightenment cannot be achieved without determination. 忍难者必能奋斗 忍辱者必能知耻 忍气者必能和谐 忍苦者必能甘美 Those who endure misfortune will be able to strive. Those who endure humiliation will strive out of conscience. Those who endure like a punching bag will be able to get along with others. Those who endure suffering will savor the taste of joyfulness. 乐观者,英「气」焕发,人见人爱 易怒者,杀「气」腾腾,人见人怕 Valiant and vigorous,optimistic people are welcomed by others. Furious and chilling,hot-tempered people are feared by others. 愚痴邪见即是自造恶业 懒惰懈怠就是自毁前程 自怨自艾终究于事无补 怨天尤人只会更加坏事 I gnorance and perverted thoughts bring bad karma. Laziness and negligence ruin careers. Blaming yourself is useless. Whining and blaming others makes things worse. 有力的人才会忍,有慧的人才能忍 忍是勇敢、担当,忍是负责、奉献的表现 Powerful and intelligent people can be tolerant. Tolerance reveals courage,ability,dedication,and responsibility. 有为者,虽泰山崩于前,仍「气」定神闲,面不改色 无能者,一遇小事临身,就「气」急败坏,惊慌失措 Able people are calm in crisis. Inept people panic at a trifle. 瞋心如狂风,会吹走人缘 愚痴如急流,会卷去幸福 我慢如暗礁,会搁浅前途 嫉妒如巨浪,会淹没理智 Hatred is a blast that blows away good affinity. (发布者: 欢迎投稿,网站:无量光佛教网,讨论请进入:佛教论坛) |