止谤之方在于「聋」 改过之要在于「悔」 Virtue and detachment is the key to new friendships. Intelligence is the key to learning. Ignoring gossip is the key to disarming slander. Self-examination is the key to repentance. 「互相体谅」 是消除纷争之道 「互相成就」 是集体创作之方 Mutual respect is the key to resolving disputes. Helping others succeed is the key to teamwork. 施人之恩,莫大于助人为善 害人之甚,莫大于引人为恶 成人之美,莫大于扬人之德 坏人之事,莫大于揭人之短 The best favor is to help others do well. The worst evil is to tell others to do ill. The best help is to praise others' good merits. The worst hurt is to reveal others' shortcomings. 道人长短,一句话也是多嘴, 故要少说 启人生信,千万言也是嫌少, 故应多讲 One sentence of gossip is too much:don't talk. Spreading the faith,a thousand words are not enough:keep talking. 净化人心 是环境保育的根本之道 改善风气 是社会教化的究竟目标 The fundamental way to a sound environment is to purify people's minds. The ultimate goal of social education is to improve social morale. 「自他一如」的观念 是人际和谐之本 「同体共生」的精神 是世界和平之基 The non-discrimination is funda-mental to world harmony. The integration and co-existence is the foundation of world peace. 能做好事就是「般若手」 慈眼视人就是「般若眼」 能言好话就是「般若口」 胸怀大众就是「般若心」 Doing good,you have prajna hands. Seeing with compassion,you have prajna eyes. Praising others,you have prajna tongue. Embracing the multitude in your thought,you have prajna mind. 人,要给人利用 才能创造价值 人,要学习伟大 才能留下历史 Being used by others shows your worthiness. Learning greatness leaves your mark in history. 自己可以不聚外财 但不能不开发内心的宝藏 自己可以不仗势力 但不能不开创国家的地位 It is better to grow your mind than to be rich. It is better to advance the nation's interests than to use your connections for private gain. 知足,是解脱欲望的妙方 感恩,是拥有财富的法门 Content knows how to be free from desires. Gratitude is the gateway to wealth. 有人登山遇难 有人游河翻船 有人损他利己 有人自我牺牲 Some die climbing mountains. Some die stormy seas. Some harm others for profit. Some yield their livers for justice. 万贯家财,不如一技在身 满腹经纶,不如一善在心 高谈阔论,不如一言九鼎 长篇累牍,不如一字千金 Better have skill than property. Better be virtuous than learned. Better keep your word than be eloquent. Better write well than profusely. 读书容易明理难 做事容易做人难 对外容易对内难 修身容易行道难 It is easier to study than to be intelligent and open-minded. It is easier to manage business than to get along well with others. It is easier to handle outer affairs than to tackle inner problems. It is easier to cultivate oneself than to walk the path of the Bodhisattva. 不说谎,就是信用 信用即财富 讲爱语,就是慈悲 慈悲即功德 Not lying,you will believed;belief brings fortune. Speaking loving and tender words is compassion;compassion brings merits. 日行一善存好心 每一发心 必为人间的利益着想 日发一愿做好事 每一发愿 必为人间的庄严用心 Perform a good deed every day;aspire to benefit society. Vow to perform a good deed every day;each vow must aspire to beautify society. 给人利用也是一种结缘 帮助别人就是帮助自己 Being used by others is a kind of affinity. Helping others is helping self. 人若无求,心自无事 心若无求,人自平安 Shun greed and have peace of mind. 遇才不妒 有过不避 当仁不让 立功不居 Don't be jealous of the talented. Don't shirk responsibility. Take the initiative to do good. Don't take credit for a success. 读书要能明理 思想要有正见 办事要具信心 修道要存正念 To study,be intelligent and open. To think,have the right understanding. To handle business,be confident. To practice and cultivate,have the right mindfulness. 学佛 就是向自己的烦恼魔军作战 念佛 就是对自己的烦恼习气革命 Learning from the Buddha fights defilement. Chanting the Buddha's name purges bad habits and defilement. 用舍心广结无量善缘 用净心远离贪染色欲 用禅心安顿顺逆境界 |