Cruel words are like snow and frost. 社会问题何时了,净化人心最重要 七诫运动若遵守,何悉乱象不能消 一诫烟毒把命保,健康平安笑到老 拒烟反毒做得好,家齐国治罪犯少 二诫色情切莫嫖,夫妻恩爱神仙侣 What should we do about social problem? Purify people's minds. If everyone observes the seven precepts,all social problems the seven precepts,all social problems will be resolved. The first precept is to abstain from drugs,keeping healthy and joyous into old age. If everyone does this,the family will be harmonious,the country peaceful,and crimes few. The second precept is to abstain from illicit sexual relations,promoting harmonious family life. 可怜雏妓年纪小,助人助己菩萨道 三诫暴力瞋恨少,处处禅和有礼貌 凡事忍让退步想,如意吉祥好果报 四诫偷盗莫贪小,知足守份没烦恼 清心寡欲走正道,以无为有乐消遥 五诫赌博不贪心,十赌九输惹灾祸 Behave like a Bodhisattva,not a prostitute,helping others and yourself. The third precept is to refrain from violence and hatred,promoting harmony and courtesy everywhere. When you are tolerant,you bring on good fortune and good darma. The fourth precept is to refrain from stealing,being tranquil and detached. Walk the path of a carefree life, desiring nothing. The fifth precept is to refrain from gambling,breserving your money and honor. 尔虞我诈伤和气,身败名裂划不来 六诫酗酒莫狂饮,神迷智昏愚痴因 甘露法水润我心,大愿慈悲日日新 七诫恶口积善缘,好话一句三冬暖 毒言一句六月寒,积德行善福绵延 Avoid the disharmony that arises from cheating. The sixth precept is to refrain from alcohol in excess,avoiding delusion and ignorance. With ambrosial water nurturing my heart,I vow to be compassionate every day. The seventh precept is to refrain from abrasive speech. A kind word brings warmth in the chill of winter,while a harsh word burns more than the summer's heat. Do good to gain merit and good fortune. 给人方便而不磨人 做事秉公而不偏私 守持戒法而不妄为 群处和睦而不怪僻 Give people comfort and not distress. Work by the rules and without prejudice. Observe precepts and refrain from evil. Get along and don't be eccentric. 仁的施与,望风偃然 德的教化,所向披靡 道的兴设,近悦远来 法的胜利,无以匹敌 Compassion is like a calming breeze. Teaching morality is a potent enterprise. Teaching the t'ao(way)draws the people together. The Dharma victory is unsurpassed. 「忍」是一种担当 忍之为德,在于负重 「退」是一种涵养 退之为德,在于和众 Tolerance lets you shoulder your duties. Detachment makes you tolerant and friendly. 忍让是诗人最重要的修养工夫 精进是励己最确实的实践方法 In society,tolerance is the best thing. In life,diligence is the main thing. 气和心境好 心平无烦恼 性谦人缘好 克己乐逍遥 A good temper puts you in a good mood. A tranquil mind frees you of defilement. A modest character makes good affinity. Freedom from desires fills you with joy. (发布者: 欢迎投稿,网站:无量光佛教网,讨论请进入:佛教论坛) |