才能找到内心的宝藏 Wake from your ignorance and delusion:grasp the essence of life. Stop searching outside:find the treasures in your mind. 生活艰难时,要面对它 生活辛苦时,要体验它 生活清闲时,要计划它 生活满足时,要享受它 When life is hard,face it. When life is painful,learn from it. When life is easy,plan for hard times. When life is pleasing,enjoy it. 国家的政治能够廉洁清明 就没有贪污贿赂 世界的族群能够包容异己 就没有种族纷争 If politicians are upright,there is no corruption. When everyone is tolerant,there are no ethnic disputes. 用语言赞叹大众 用双手大做好事 用脚步走出善路 用力行创造净土 Praise others with your tongue. Do good deeds with your hands. Tread the right path with your feet. Create a pureland with your energy. 以融合的心胸,尊重异己他人 以融和的气度,包容各种信仰 以融和的雅量,超越种族藩篱 以融和的怀抱,沟通全球人类 Welcome all people with sympathy. Embrace all religions with understanding. Transcend ethnic barriers with generosity. Speak to all nations with love. 工作要不拖延,能敬业而不偷懒 报告要不隐瞒,能积极而不颓唐 上示要不违逆,能受责而不怒颜 随众要不特权,能圆融而不极端 Don't put things off,work hard. Don't hide things in your report,be positive but tell the truth. Follow your boss'instructions,but don't be distressed when there is censure. Follow the rules and don't seek privileges,get along and avoid extremes. 对世间要不望益我 对众生要不妒人有 对学道要不怕艰难 对办事要不诿过失 Don't expect any profit from this world. Don't be jealous. Don't fear adversity when you seek the truth. Don't cover up mistakes. 对自己要有尤患意识 对修道要有笃实心态 对事务要有敏锐觉知 对度众要有慈心悲愿 Prepare yourself for what may come. Cultivate yourself devotedly. Handle matters with keen insight. Vow to save sentient beings and be compassionate. 礼,可以端正风俗,促进人我和谐 乐,可以净化身心,提升本性气质 志,可以激发潜能,开阔思想视野 道,可以启迪性灵,完全人格修养 Etiquette and good manners foster harmony. Music purifies body and mind and softens passions. Determination awakens our potential and broadens our vision. The t'ao (way)enlightens our minds and perfects our cultivation and practice. 能给欢喜快乐给人,是菩萨情怀 愿将利益与人分享,是随喜功德 别人有理错失在己,是谦让美德 行善去恶自净其意,是实践佛法 Sharing your joy is the Bodhisattva's way. Sharing your blessing is highly to be praised. A dmitting your error is a virtue. Preventhing evil,doing good,and purifying body and mind is Buddhist practice. 待有余而后济人 必无济人之日 待有暇而后读书 必无读书之时 If you don't help others until you become rich,there's no chance you'll help others. If you don't read until you have time, you will never have time to read. 有才不足傲,有德才可贵 有财不足恃,有功才可敬 Don't be proud of your talent:virtue is true worth. Don't be proud of your money:achievement is true worth. 念佛时 自己心念专一是自受用 他人看了起信是他受用 布施时 自己内心欢喜是自受用 他人看了赞叹是他受用 Chanting the Buddha's name with feeling benefits self and family and friends. Your munificence brings joy to you and those praise you. 用智慧来传授人生 用经验来提携后学 用修行来开发生命 用培德来探索未来 Share your wisdom with others. Share your experience with the young. Develop through cultivation and practice. Embrace the future by cultivating virtue. 舍不得财,不能为义士 舍不得命,不能为忠臣 舍不得施,不能为善人 舍不得放,不能为智者 You cannot be righteous and attached to property. You cannot be a good citizen and attached to life. You cannot be a good man and a miser. You cannot grow wiser and cling to attachment. 辨别是非之道在于明理 促裁纠纷之道在于公正 Judging disputes requires intelligence. Mediating disputes requires fairness. 交友之道在于「淡」 读书之诀在于「明」 止谤之方在于「聋」 改过之要在于「悔」 Virtue and detachment is the key to new friendships. Intelligence is the key to learning. Ignoring gossip is the key to disarming slander. Self-examination is the key to repentance. 「互相体谅」 是消除纷争之道 「互相成就」 是集体创作之方 Mutual respect is the key to resolving disputes. Helping others succeed is the key to teamwork. 施人之恩,莫大于助人为善 害人之甚,莫大于引人为恶 成人之美,莫大于扬人之德 |