Evil thought opens the gateway to hindrances. 退后,是为了跳得更远 压缩,是为了弹得更高 休息,是为了走得更长 韬光,是为了学得更博 Step back to jump further. Crouch back to spring higher. Rest to walk longer. Withdraw to learn better. 失去丈夫的寡妇必须擦干眼泪,才有力量抚养子女 没有双亲的孩子更要坚强奋斗,才有勇气面对现实 缺乏师资的学生唯有勤修自学,才能寻得学问入门 不同党派的官员若能拼除门户,才能相谋治国之方 Widows must conquer sorrow to raise children. Deprived children must be strong to face society. Badly taught students must be their own teachers. Officials must get rid of prejudices to govern. 秋天积谷存粮,自然不愁严冬来临 白天设奋照明,自然不怕夜幕低垂 平时积德养望,自然不忧毁誉加身 生前奉献社会,自然不惧遗憾后世 Store food in autumn to survive the cold winter. Oil your lamp by day to read by night. Increase your virtue to disdain slander. Be devoted to society to increase your merit. 人贵立志,有志者事竟成 人贵存诚,精诚者金石开 人贵明理,达理者去向通 人贵行善,心善者贵人来 To succeed,be determined. To persuade your opponents,be honest. To advance your career,be intelligent. To gain patronage,do good. 感情若是一厢情愿,则难天长地久 财富若是巧取豪夺,必有败坏之虞 名声若是譁众取宠,终将遭人唾弃 地位若是坐享其成,便会引起非议 Unrequited love cannot last. Stolen wealth will disappear. A boaster's fame will fade away. Unearned rank will be censured. 开发潜能,更新观念,这是自我建设 懒惰懈怠,不结人缘,这是自我破坏 成就自己,造福别人,这是自我尊重 打击别人,荣耀自己,这是自我毁灭 Keep learning to keep growing. Always make good affinity to progress. Work for society to gain self-esteem. Doing harm for gain wil destroy you. 有大胸襟,方有大格局 有大格局,方能成大事 Generosity and determination let you think big. Thinking big,you can achieve great things. 有了国防建设,国家才能富强安定 有了文教建设,社会才能和谐有礼 有了经济建设,民生才能富足安乐 有了交通建设,地方才能繁荣发展 有了伦理建设,家庭才能和谐尊重 有了自我建设,生命才能宽阔开展 National defense keeps a nation rich and stable. Culture keeps society charming and polite. A strong economy makes society rich and happy. Public transit brings wealth and development. Ethical conduct makes families open and caring. Self-respect makes you vital and content. “过去”的时间已经悄然而逝,永不回头 “现在”的时间如箭一般飞走,转眼即逝 “未来”的时间犹在慢慢接近,擦身而过 “当下”的时间能够即时把握,刹那永恒 The past is gone and never will return. The present flies and soon will disappear. The future comes but cannot yet be seized. The present must be seized and never let go. 不杀生而护生,如在人寿保险公司投保 不偷盗而喜舍,如在银行中存入了巨款 不邪淫而自重,如在幸福家庭中受表扬 不妄语而慎言,如在美丽语言学校获奖 不吸毒而守道,如在健康保险公司投保 Not to kill but to save is like life insurance. Not to steal but to give is like money in a bank. Not to misbehave sexually but to behave well is like gaining a happy family. Not to lie but to speak truth is like passing a language school. Not to take drugs but to stay clean is like health insurance. 拥有财物而不用,和“没有”并无差别 拥有金钱不会用,和“无用”无有不同 一心想要“拥有”,不如提倡“用有” “拥有”只是富者,“用有”才是智者 Hoarding without use is like not having. Money you don't know how to use is worthless. Better use well what you have than try to own more. Property is empty possession unless you have wisdom to use it well. (发布者: 欢迎投稿,网站:无量光佛教网,讨论请进入:佛教论坛) |