当得意时,须寻一条退路,然后不危于安乐 当失意时,须寻一条出路,然后可生于忧患 When all is going sell,plan for hard times. When hard times come,you will find a way out of your distress. “不忘初心”可以给我们力量 “不忘旧恶”可以给我们心和 “不计利害”可以给我们超越 “不慕虚荣”可以给我们养望 To keep strong,remember your initial purpose. To keep calm,forget grudges. Transcend gain and loss. Cultivate your virtue by despising empty glory. 人情比金钱重要 道义比人情更高 名誉比生命重要 良心比名誉更高 Prefer sympathy to money. Prefer justice to sympathy. Prefer reputation to life. Prefer conscience to reputation. 能够从善如流,自然顺理成章 只要耐烦有恒,不怕不能成功 By accepting wise counsel.you can succeed. Being persistent,you will succeed. 最美的语言是赞叹好人 最大的功德是助成好事 最坏的行为是骄横我慢 最劣的品行是好逸恶劳 The sweetest words praise good people. The finest merit is charity. The worst offense is arrogance. The worst fault is indolence. 别人善意的批评我非 我应尊之为师 别人恶意的称赞我是 我应视之为敌 When someone criticizes you with good intent,he is your teacher. When someone praises you with evil intent,he is your enemy. 做人要讲事非,但不要太计利害 做事要讲利害,但不要太怕是非 To get along,know right from wrong but don't fret over gain and loss. In business,be concerned about gain and loss but don't fret about gossip. 万谤难挡,不如一默 百事难成,唯靠一勤 When you can't avoid slander,receive it calmly. When failure is likely,try harder to succeed. 病从口入,若口不乱食,则病从何入? 祸从口出,若口能慎言。则祸从何出? Diseases enter by the mouth:if you take care about what you eat ,how can illness enter your body? Careless talk causes problems:if you are cautious in speech,how can there be trouble? 不能接受挫折时的磨炼,就不能担当大任 不能接受失败时的锻炼,就不能成就大事 不能接受毁谤时的考验,就不能发挥大用 不能接受悲伤时的经验,就不能升华大爱 If you can't bear frustration,you cannot do your job. If you can't accept failure,you cannot succeed. If you can't accept slander,you cannot be useful. If you can't accept sorrow,your love cannot grow. 最好的管理,就是自己管好自己 最坏的领导,就是自己言行不一 A manager must first manage himself. A leader must make his actions match his words. 争强好胜的人,树敌必多 委屈求全的人,道路必宽 Those who battle have many adversaries, Those who pardon have a wider road. 无求,自然不争 不争,自然无瞋 无瞋,自然少怨 少怨,自然多福 Without a demand there is no dispute. Without a dispute there is no hate. Without hate there is no grievance. Without grievance there is a better conclusion. 老,最怕的是心力衰退,而非年龄增加 人,最怕的是自己丧志,而非别人轻视 Fear not old age but loss of fortitude. Fear not scorn but loss of resolve. 不满足的人,找不到安乐椅 不惜福的人,找不到聚宝盆 The discontented will never find rest. The dissatisfied will never be rewarded. 超脱荣辱毁誉,就是解脱 看淡成败得失,就是放下 Liberation means rising above honor and humiliation,slander and praise. Detachment means rising above success and failure,gain and loss. 自己有过,不当讳,朋友有过,决当为之讳 自己有成,不当扬,朋友有成,决当为之扬 Conceal your friends' mistakes but not yours. Proclaim your friends' successes but not yours. 把握当下,才能创造继起的生命 展望未来,应该把握当下的机缘 Seize this moment to create the future. Seize present causes and conditions to improve the future. 无人则私 无私则公 无明则昧 无昧则智 Indifference to suffering leads to selfishness. Selflessness leads to righteousness. Lgnorance leads to delusion. Mindfulness leads to wisdom. 瞋怒怨恨,是烦恼的根本 感恩知足。是快乐的泉源 Anger and hatred are the root of trouble. Gratitude and content are the source of happiness. 欲望过多,必然穷苦不足 恬不知耻,必然贫贱卑微 疑心太重,必然受人轻视 姿态太高,必然遭人排挤 Desire leads to poverty. Loss of conscience leads to humiliation. Suspicion leads to contempt. Arrogance makes you unwelcome. 好心一起,一切吉祥如意 恶念一生,百万障门开启 Good will opens the gateway to good luck. (发布者: 欢迎投稿,网站:无量光佛教网,讨论请进入:佛教论坛) |