鸟儿枝头鸣叫,我们觉得动听悦耳,因为它是「活」的 Fragrant flowers bring joy because they are alive. Tree give pleasure because they are alive. Birdsong is agreeable because it is alive. 云朵舒卷自如,我们觉得自在舒畅,因为它是「活」的 溪水淙淙流动,我们觉得涤尽尘虑,因为它是「活」的 人的肌肉也要是「活」的,才能散发出生命的喜悦与希望 Moving clouds make us happy because they seem alive. Streams make us think of the purging of defildment because they are alive. Human muscles give us joy and hope because they are alive. 持戒的力量,可以擒拿心中的盗贼 禅定的力量,可以制伏心中的魔军 精进的力量,可以解开心中的缠结 智慧的力量,可以消灭心中的怨毒 The power of precept can catch the mental thief. The power of meditation can subdue the mental demon. The power of diligence can scatter mental defilement. The power of wisdom can purge hatred. 有发愿才会有力量 有功德才能不退转 With the vow comes strength. With meritorious acts comes progress. 有佛法,就有办法 能持戒,就不犯法 Where Dharma is,there lies the way. Where precept is,there can be no transgression. 烦恼是妄想分别,应该要远离 生死是旷古秘密,应该要探究 Avoid the defilements of delusion and discrimination. Discover the ancient secret of life and death. 道,没有时间,无始无终,所以弥陀才叫「无量寿」 道,没有空间,无内无外,所以弥陀才叫「无量光」 Just as the t'ao(way)has neither beginning nor end,so Amitabha Buddha is endless. Just as the t'ao(way)has neither inside nor outside,so Amitabha Buddha is infinite. 贪婪瞋恚去除了,身心才能净化 自私嫉妒远离了,心胸才会宽大 Purging envy increases your nobility. Purging hate and greed makes you pure. 慈悲是弘法的根本,失去了度众的慈悲,就没有佛道可成 方便是弘法的应用,不能巧妙运用方便,则不能圆满度众 Compassion is essential when teaching Buddhism;without compassion,you cannot attain Buddhahood. Skill is essential when teaching Buddhism;without skillful means,you cannot save sentient beings. 心正,则本立 本立,则道生 道生,则心净 心净,则自然 With righteousness,a good foundation is laid. With a good foundation,the t'ao(way)arises. With the t'ao,the mind is purified. With a pure mind,everything comes into being naturally. 只要不种恶因,自然没有恶果 想要幸福快乐,便要培养善缘 If there is no evil cause,there is no evil effect. If you cultivate good causes and conditions,you will be happy. 知足者富 贪心者贫 助人者贵 多欲者贱 Content people are rich. Greedy people are poor. Those who help are noble. Those who desire much are degraded. 心物平等是美好的感受 自他平等是和平的基础 性相平等是人间的真理 生佛平等是法界的圆满 The equality of mind and object brings people good feeling. The equality of self and other lays the foundation of peace. The equality of nounmena and phenomena shows the truth of the world. The equality of Buddha and sen-tient beings shows a perfect dharmadhatu. 心无挂碍,方成解脱 能除烦恼,便是修行 Without worry and obstruction,one can attain liberation. Getting rid of defilement is practice. 凡人有过能悔,然后就能进德 凡事有缘能行,然后就能成功 Repentance enhances virtue. Acting with causes and conditions leads to success. 凡事缘聚而成 凡事缘散而灭 有了因缘,事事顺遂 因缘不合,处处失利 Things arise out of causes and conditions. Things disappear out of causes and conditions. With causes and conditions,all goes well. Without good causes and conditions,success is impossible. 喜舍好比播种,懂得播种,必然有所收成 贪婪仿佛掘根,根本不固,难果实累树 Joyful giving,like sowing seeds,produces a rich harvest. Greed,like pulling rice out by the root,deprives us of a decent harvest. 感谢过去的因缘,珍惜现世的果报 建设现世的因缘,培植未来的果报 Be grateful to past causes and conditions and cherish their fruit in your present life. Build up causes and conditions in your present life to nurture the fruit of your future life. 小水一滴,不断滴落,可穿透磐石,更可润泽大地 星星之火,接续蔓延,可燎烧原野,更可温暖人间 小小种子,灌溉栽培,可长成大树,更可遮荫避雨 Water that breaks rocks softly nurtures crops. Fire that burns crops gently warms homes. Tiny seeds become trees to shade passersby. 太子年幼,长大成人,可为王当权,更可统治全国 沙弥虽小,年事渐大,可成就诸法,更可趋入圣道 儿童初长,慧解日增,可所学俱全,更可为国栋梁 Great kings were once little princes. Great sages were novice monks. World-revered personages were babbling infants. (发布者: 欢迎投稿,网站:无量光佛教网,讨论请进入:佛教论坛) |