不要空说,不要空话,要说真话最重要 Belive in the real,not in gods and ghosts. Be responsible,don't daydream or be reckless. Love your family,eschew wine and lust. Speak true,not hollow words. 贪心要用舍心来对治 瞋心要用慈心来驾御 痴心要用智心来领导 慢心要用虚心来管理 疑心要用信心来感化 染心要用净心来去除 乱心要用定心来影响 妄心要用真心来掌控 Change hate to loving. Change greed to giving. Change delusion to wisdom. Change suspicion to friendship. Change arrogance to modesty. Change defilement to purity. Change worry to peace. Change illusion to truth. 有慧解更要有悲愍 有勇气更要有灵巧 有金钱更要有道德 有口说更要有真心 Besides intelligence,we need compassion. Besides courage,we need skill. Besides money,we need morality. Besides eloquence,we need sinceerity. 以慈悲的双手,抚平自己的清净本心 以般若的智慧,圆满他人的自在人生 With wisdom,make your mind pure. With compassionate hands,improve the lives of others. 想要千人头上坐,先在万人脚下行 唯有先作众生的马牛,才能成为最佳的龙象 To be outstanding,begin by serving the people. When we serve the people like cattle or horses,we can become a dragon or elephant. 发愿作一支蜡烛,燃烧自己,照亮别人 发愿作一支画笔,采绘世界,增添美丽 发愿作一盏路灯,照破黑暗,指引光明 发愿作一棵大树,枝繁叶茂,庇阴路人 发愿作一本书籍,展现真理,给人智慧 发愿作一方大地,普载众生,生长万物 Vow to be a candle giving light to others. Vow to be an artist's brush adding to the world's beauty. Vow to be a streetlight showing the way. Vow to be a tree offering its branches for shade to passersby. Vow to be a book of truth and wisdom. Vow to be the earth that nurtures plants and cradles sentient beings. 发愿作一朵鲜花,吐露芬芳,给人清香 发愿作一阵和风,吹拂枯槁,抚慰创伤 发愿作一缕白云,遮蔽炎威,带来清凉 发愿作一弯彩虹,光华万千,照耀环宇 发愿作一轮满月,高挂夜空,辉映人间 发愿作一个冬阳,温暖大地,成熟万物 Vow to be a flower bearing fragrance. Vow to be a cloud bringing coolness. Vow to be a breeze bringing comfort. Vow to be a rainbow bearing beauty. Vow to be the full moon shedding light. Vow to be the winter sun shedding warmth. 尊敬一个人,要散播他的善行 肯定一个人,要延续他的愿心 Respect others by publicizing their good deeds. Support others by carrying out their vows. 一者礼敬诸佛,就是实践人格的尊重 二者称赞如来,就是实践语言的赞美 三者广修供养,就是实践心意的布施 四者忏悔业障,就是实践行为的改进 五者随喜功德,就是实践善事的资助 First,honoring the Buddhas means respecting others. Second,praising the Buddhas means praising others. Third,making rich offerings means practicing mental generosity. Fourth,repenting transgressions means improving our actions. Fifth,aiding benefactors means supporting good deeds. 六者请转法 轮,就是实践佛法的弘传 七者请佛住世,就是实践圣贤的护持 八者常随佛学,就是实践真理的追随 九者恒顺众生,就是实践民意的重视 十者普皆回向,就是实践圆满的功德 Sixth,turning the Dharma wheel means spreading Buddhist teachings. Seventh,inviting the Buddha to reside in the world means supporting the sages. Eighth,learning from the Buddha means following the truth. Ninth,observing public opinion means satisfying people's desires. Tenth,transferring your merits to everyone means perfecting your merits. 每日所说的言语,要是善良柔美的好话 每日所做的事情,要得利益大众的好事 每日所存的心意,要有祝福他人的好心 每日所走的道路,要能走出社会的光明 Every day love humanity. Every day speak kind and gentle words. Every day do good for your neighbors. Every day advance towards the world's bright future. 随处给人欢喜 随时给人信心 随手给人服务 随缘给人方便 Give people happiness everywhere. Give people confidence always. Give people service at every chance. Give people comfort on every occasion. 为人父母者 能有「三分师徒,七分道友」的认知则子女不仅是自己的骨肉,更是自己的朋友 为人师长者 能有「三分师徒,七分道友」的涵养则弟子不仅是自己的晚辈,更是自己的同参 If parents carry out the principle of “three parts guidance and seven parts friendship,” children can be both their kin and their friends. If teachers carry out the principle of “three parts guidance and seven parts friendship,” pupils can be both their disciples and their equals. 为人长官者 能有「三分师徒,七分道友」的体认则部下不仅是自己的袍属,更是自己的同事 If officials carry out the principle of “three parts guidance and seven parts friendship,” subordinates can be both their comrades and their colleagues. (发布者: 欢迎投稿,网站:无量光佛教网,讨论请进入:佛教论坛) |