A lady's power lies in her charm. A monk's power lies in tolerance. A king's power lies in force and influence. An Arhat's power lies in detach-ment. A Bodhisattva's power lies in compassion. 巧心慧手,可以化腐朽为神奇 善心美意,可以转恶因成好缘 With creative mind and skillful hands,you can turn corruption into magic. With creative mind and good will,you can turn bad causes and condi-tions into good ones. 一点慈悲,不但是积德种子,也是积福根苗 一念容忍,不但是无量德器,也是无量福田 A little compassion is both seed for cultivating virtue and root for accumulating merits. A little tolerance is both the vessel containing endless virtue and the field for cultivating endless blessedness. 人生只管现在享福,则如点灯,愈点愈枯竭 人生能为将来积福,则如添油,越添灯越明 Indulgence in pleasure is like a lamp burning;the oil grows less and less. Accumulating merits is like adding oil;the lamp grows brighter and drighter. 慈悲智慧是心灵的财富 发心立愿是精神的动力 勤劳精进是躯体的资产 真如佛性永恒的宝藏 Compassion and wisdom are mental riches. Aspiration and vow are spiritual energy. Diligence ang hard work are physical assets. Buddha nature is the everlasting treasure. 一束鲜花,不如一脸微笑 一杯清水,不如一念清明 一曲音乐,不如一句好话 一首诗歌,不如一声赞叹 Better a smile than a fragrant flower. Better a thought than clear water. Better a poem than a symphony. Better praise than poetry. 富者能知足是真富者 贵者常助人是真贵者 贫者不知耻是真贫者 穷者因多贪是真穷者 The truly rich are content with what they have. The truly noble use their power to help others. The truly bankrupt have no con-science. The truly poor are rich in greed. 水深波浪静 学广语声低 山高鸟飞集 德厚人自亲 The waves of the deep ocean are silent. The speech of a learned person is muted. Birds gather at the mountain's summit. Mankind gathers round virtuous people. 要享事功,先要提得起 要享闲情,先要放得下 To enjoy success,do your duty. to enjoy leisure,surrender attach-ment. 富贵荣华,总难满意,欢喜就可满意 天地日月,总无主人,欣赏便是主人 Wealth and glory please only con-tented people. Heaven and earth,sun and moon belong to whoever delights,in them. 便利的交通,尊重的和平,让世界天涯若比邻 良好的沟通,种族的和谐,让人我关系如一家 Modern transportation and global peace make everybody neighbors. Modern communications and global harmony make everybody family. 欲望愈少,心灵愈清明 成见愈少,生命愈宽广 Less desire makes you virtuous and wise. Less prejudice makes your life expansive. “竖穷三际”的时间观,可以拓展我们过现未来的知见 “横遍十方”的空间观,可以扩大我们东西南北的视野 The Buddhist view of time can expand our vision of past,present,and future. The Buddhist view of space can expand our vision in all directions. 在政治上,没有比自由、民主更美好 在社会上,没有比幸福、安乐更宝贵 在国际上,没有比尊重、融和更迫切 在人生上,没有比解脱、放下更自在 The aim of government is freedom and democracy. The aim of society is cooperation and happiness. The aim of diplomacy is mutual respect and peace. The aim of life is liberation and detachment. 河水流动,才能涓涓不绝 空气流动,才能生意盎然 财富流动,才能造福社会 心意流动,才能通达无碍 Rivers must flow to be useful. Air must flow to refresh. Wealth must flow to be fruitful. Mind must flow to be clear. 心好命又好,荣华富贵早 心好命不好,一生能温饱 命好心不好,前程不能保 心命都不好,穷苦直到老 With good character and good luck,you can become rich when you are young. With good character and bad luck,you can still get by. With bad character and good luck,your career cannot prosper. With bad character and bad luck,you will be poor until you die. 爱语如和谐的音乐 微笑如盛开的花朵 善行如浊世的清流 真理如久旱的甘霖 Loving words are like sweet music. A smile is like a budding flower. Kindness is like a clear stream in a muddy world. Truth is like a rain after drought. 因果,是最高的法律 真理,是无尽的宝藏 佛性,是不死的生命 烦恼,是生灭的假我 The law of causality is the highest law. Truth is the infinite treasure. Buddha nature is the undying life. Defilement is rising and ceasing of the false self. |