股票,有涨有跌;经商,有赚有赔 事业,有起有落;计划,有成有败 比赛,有胜有负;地位,有上有下 际遇,有好有坏;人生,有得有失 A stock may rise or fall. A business may earn or lose. An enterprise may prosper or decline. A plan may succeed or fail. A game may be won or lost. A career may go up or down. An encounter may be good or bad. A life may be happy or sad. 栽花种树、积谷防饥,等待中有无限的希望 器官移植、捐血救人,延续中有无限的希望 修桥铺路、开发土地,建设中有无限的希望 选贤与能、整顿史治,革新中有无限的希望 Planting trees and flowers and storing food against famine bring people endless confidence in their society. Donating blood and organs brings people endless confidence for their survival. Constructing bridges and roads brings people endless confidence in planners and engineers. Electing able candidates and reforming politics bring people endless confidence in government. 福德因缘如银行的存款,除了应用外,更要培植福德因缘 福德因缘如稻田的种子,除了收成外,更要培植福德因缘 Blessedness is like money in the bank:as we use it we must earn more. Blessedness is like a rice field:after the harvest we must plant again. 无求的布施,端严高贵,令人感念 无悔的布施,身心光明,令人赞美 practicing generosity without reward is noble. Practicing generosity without regret is to be praised. “敢”是勇气,则表示有智慧 “敢”是发心,则表示能担当 Daring is courage:it means wisdom. Daring is aspiring:it means buty. 憎其恶而及其人,此乃人之常情 嫌其恶而友其人,则人之所难也 It's normal to hate evil deeds. It's hard to like someone who does disgusting things. 摄身守意,柔和自安 施与无畏,相融无碍 Guarding your deeds and thoughts makes you gentle. It is easy to get along with people who are not afraid of you. 富贵自喜舍中来 家业自勤俭中来 善友自道义中来 宁静自淡泊中来 From labor,money. From charity,love. From generosity,friendship. From no desire,peace. 助人者必能得福 慈爱者必能无怨 行善者必能销恶 离欲者必能无恼 Those who help others will gain fortune. Those who are compassionate do not complain. Those who bo good will rid themselves of bad deeds. Those who desire little will be free of defilement. 杯盘器皿要涤去尘污,才能纳受洁物 沟渠河床要疏通杂质,才能畅游无阻 花圃田园要除草尽竟,才能心旷神怡 自我身心要加以净化,才能开发宝藏 Cups and plates must be cleaned before food is served in them. Ditches and riverbeds must be cleared before water can flow free. Gardens and fields must be weeded before planting. Our bodies and minds must be purified before we cultivate them. 每一件事,都是要依靠众多的因缘才能成就 每一个人,都是要仰赖无限的生命才能成长 Every achievement demands causes and conditions. Everyone needs a long life to grow. 知足常乐是“天堂” 慈悲喜舍是“道场” 服务助人是“福田” 欢喜融和是“乐园” Compassion,loving-kindness,joyfulness,and equanimity are good practice. Serving others is like cultivating a field of blessedness. Joy and harmony are like a stroll in a meadow. Contentment and happiness are paradise on earth. 一味接受的人生是贫穷的因果 经常喜舍的人生是富贵的因果 A life of receiving is poor. A life of giving is rich. 太阳因为照射热能而给人温暖 花朵因为散发芬芳而令人喜悦 大海因为包容万有而被人重视 人生因为积聚慈悲而受人尊敬 The sun warms the world by its radiance. Flowers bring joy through their fragrance. The sea overwhelms us with forcefulness. We gain the world's respect by compassion. 心中烦恼无明即地狱 心中菩提正见即天堂 心中尤悲苦恼即地狱 心中安乐幸福即天堂 Defilement and ignorance bring you hell;enlightenment and right understanding bring you paradise. Sorrow and trouble bring you hell;peace and joy bring you paradise. 仅管家财万贯,却悭吝不舍,这是怀珠作丐 仅管坐拥金山,却为富不仁,这是藏宝穷人 A stingy rich man is like a beggar with a pearl. An evil rich man is like a poor man with treasure. 懂得用钱的人,金钱是功德 不会用钱的人,金钱是罪恶 Money can gain merits if used for good. Money can be evil if used for ill. 有失败的勇气,才有成功的希望 有辛勤的耕耘,才有丰富的收成 The courage to fail brings the hope of success. Diligence brings a good harvest. 书不读,不为我有 理不明,不为我知 A book carelessly read is not yours. (发布者: 欢迎投稿,网站:无量光佛教网,讨论请进入:佛教论坛) |